2 Mar 2021 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, Hon. Speaker.
2 Mar 2021 in National Assembly:
Even as Hon. Duale sits down, it is becoming a habit for Members to talk without their masks on. COVID-19 is serious. The more you project, the more you should have your mask on. You could be putting everyone at risk including yourself. So, masks are supposed to cover the mouth and the nose.
2 Mar 2021 in National Assembly:
I thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. This is a very important topic and I want to thank the Departmental Committee on Education and Research and the people who harmonised this Bill. Children need us at the very tender age. So, if you want to educate them, you will need to help them develop emotionally, cognitively and physically. I like this Bill for one thing. It brings all those things together. You need teachers who are trained and recognised by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), which this Bill is addressing effectively. Part III of this Bill deals with enforcement of ...
2 Mar 2021 in National Assembly:
What I was saying is that we give a lot of funds to county government which we think should go towards ECD, but most of the time, you find that those classrooms are tattered buildings, very much unfit for education of those kids. So, I was trying to say that we need to have structures, in the financial terms, to ring-fence whether the money should go to the infrastructure or development of the classrooms and environment for those children, the same way we have been saying about health. Otherwise, this Bill is good and I congratulate the Departmental Committee on ...
2 Mar 2021 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I have already contributed to this.
23 Feb 2021 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. The concept of having libraries was started a long time ago in this country. It is just unfortunate that we do not follow through what we initiate to the latter. However, I am rushing to support this Bill because we may catch up with time. The concept of library at this time and age is not only to read print materials. It has been loaded with very many things that can help not only our children, but also the adult population. A The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. ...
23 Feb 2021 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. The concept of having libraries was started a long time ago in this country. It is just unfortunate that we do not follow through what we initiate to the latter. However, I am rushing to support this Bill because we may catch up with time. The concept of library at this time and age is not only to read print materials. It has been loaded with very many things that can help not only our children, but also the adult population. A The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. ...
23 Feb 2021 in National Assembly:
vibrant brain prevents lots of old age diseases. Even parents can go to these libraries and have good times reading. I would like this library concept to be funded well so that it can be cascaded to the constituencies, and even wards because we are talking of access. Having them in towns would also limit other people to reach them. Otherwise, they will build strong communities in terms of recreational and academic environment. Nowadays people do not interface with each other; they interface with phones. That is why we are losing connectivity with human beings, and even the natural environment, ...
23 Feb 2021 in National Assembly:
vibrant brain prevents lots of old age diseases. Even parents can go to these libraries and have good times reading. I would like this library concept to be funded well so that it can be cascaded to the constituencies, and even wards because we are talking of access. Having them in towns would also limit other people to reach them. Otherwise, they will build strong communities in terms of recreational and academic environment. Nowadays people do not interface with each other; they interface with phones. That is why we are losing connectivity with human beings, and even the natural environment, ...
23 Feb 2021 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. I just want to ask Hon. Millie to see the reasons because this is the second time she is insisting that the United Nations should be represented here. Can you just come forward and tell us why you really advocate for this?