25 Mar 2021 in National Assembly:
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25 Mar 2021 in National Assembly:
On a point of information, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker.
25 Mar 2021 in National Assembly:
To him; I think he has accepted that.
11 Mar 2021 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, I beg to lay the following Paper on the Table of the House: Report of the Departmental Committee on Health on its consideration of the Assisted Productive Technology Bill (National Assembly Bill No. 34 of 2019). Thank you, Hon. Speaker.
11 Mar 2021 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. I rise to support the two. At the outset, cashew nuts and coconuts are not only domiciled at the Coast. I want us as a nation to move from the notion that when an area is rich of a product, then it is a product of that area. Let us pass this and nationalise it. It will help the whole country.
11 Mar 2021 in National Assembly:
Having gone through the Motion, that is enough on public participation. I support this and urge all Members to rally behind it and pass it. Thank you.
9 Mar 2021 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, the people of Ndhiwa salutes you. It is not easy to be picked by elders. It did not come on a silver platter, you earned it. Before I joined this House, I used to watch you. You survived sprinkling of water from Hon. Wanga to the Firimbi Movement of Opiyo Wandayi and I could see how you handled it. So, you have earned the respect, you have endured and the most important thing with you is that your power is based on humility. By that you will go very far.
9 Mar 2021 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, I do not have much but to congratulate you. May God bless you and your future be green as it is. Thank you.
4 Mar 2021 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I rise to support the Report and thank the Committee for coming up with it in good time. I am disturbed by the disconnect between the BPS and the Annual Estimates. We must ask ourselves whether what we do in this House is ritual or actual. Once we have done this, it is out of our hands, but the Ministries and the Executive do whatever they want to do. I agree with the recommendation of the Committee on tax waiver. A lot of prudence must be put into this because it directly affects the ...
4 Mar 2021 in National Assembly:
In my constituency there are so many stalled projects. I have been moving from one office to the other of those who initiated those projects, including farmers’ markets that are important to the people of Ndhiwa, but I have not succeeded. Nobody is allocating funds to do those projects. So, our question is: What happens? How can this House make sure that when we pass the BPS here, it is implemented? We oversee the Executive to execute what we pass here. The other point I want to make is on the pending bills. This is robbery with violence on the ...