29 Jun 2021 in National Assembly:
productivity does not reflect everything. There could be some other factors at play to get the productivity up. I support the Bill.
29 Jun 2021 in National Assembly:
I am not rushing to oppose this amendment but when you move Kshs20 million from Recurrent Expenditure to Development Expenditure knowing that we have human crisis even in terms of development, can you also enlighten us what programmes or positions you are destroying as you move the Kshs20 million? That kind of detail helps us to move this money quickly.
16 Jun 2021 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, on Programme 0717000 - General Administration, Planning and Support Services, the total gross adds up to Kshs6 billion. I am not opposing it, but this rationalisation, which is on and off, where are they getting this amount to add? Is it about robbing Paul to pay Peter?
16 Jun 2021 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. Research and Development is very important for this country. What Kshs 40 million can do is enormous. May the Hon. Chair explain to us. If there is no proper explanation, let that money be taken back.
16 Jun 2021 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I rise to support this Bill, the County Allocation Revenue Bill (Senate Bill No. 30 of 2021). I am a supporter of devolution and I believe that, as a House, we have to put all the efforts required so that we can have our devolution thrive while both addressing issues at the county level and also at the national level. One area which I am really passionate about is health. Even if we give counties money or they generate money from facilities, there was an order which was very efficient and Hon. (Dr.) James ...
16 Jun 2021 in National Assembly:
because agriculture is devolved. However, sufficient money is not allocated towards that. I am preaching to the choir because Members of Parliament are really struggling when it comes to disasters. They expect you to respond with your National Government – Constituencies Development Fund (NG-CDF) and yet, you do not see any effort from the counties because they do not have adequate allocation of funds. We talked about the Disaster Management Bill. I do not know where it has reached, but this should be centralized so that we have a proper response. I was watching television and saw how the land ...
13 May 2021 in National Assembly:
Thank you for the opportunity, Hon. Deputy Speaker. I rise to second the Bill. This is a bipartisan approach. That is why the Chair of the Departmental Committee on Health asked me to second this Bill. It is not a women or men affair. The Bill seeks to regulate rights and obligations relating to assisted reproductive technology. It aims to regulate the use of assisted reproductive technologies to aid individuals or couples that have challenges conceiving due to factors associated with infertility. Furthermore, the Bill aims to regulate the qualifications of health practitioners who administer assisted reproductive technology in order ...
13 May 2021 in National Assembly:
between the need to regulate ethics and advancement of modern science and technology. 5. The Committee noted that the Health Act, 2017 enabled the Cabinet Secretary to establish a directorate under the Ministry of Health to deal with specific areas of health. In this regard, and taking note of the need for rationalisation of semi-autonomous state agencies under the Ministry of Health, there were no sufficient reasons for establishment of the authority as there were existing structures that could be realigned to take on its role including the MOH Reproductive Health Unit. 6. The Committee also observed that the Bill ...
13 May 2021 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I see there is a change of guard. Sorry, I did not look up for long. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
11 May 2021 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, pursuant to Standing Order No.44 (2) (c), I wish to request for a Statement from the Chairperson of the Departmental Committee on Finance and National Planning regarding the debt ceiling in the country and particularly the loan amounting to Kshs262 billion from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).