Martin Peters Owino

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 81 to 90 of 447.

  • 8 Jul 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. First of all, I thank Hon. Wamunyinyi and the entire Departmental Committee on Agriculture and Livestock led by Hon. Silas Tiren and the Vice-Chair Hon. Waruguru. I come from a sugar-cane- growing area and we have a huge problem where children are not going to school because of lack of income. Poverty is high and education has dropped. This is because when cotton collapsed, the only cash crop that remained was sugar-cane. This Bill, the Committee has looked at it at a greater length. We will be submitting some amendments at the Committee of ... view
  • 8 Jul 2021 in National Assembly: It is very important in the sense that all the relationships which were not well cemented are now going to be cemented in contracts. So, farmers are not going to be cheated. The issue of inputs takes a lot of money, and there is no structure that controls their prices. That has also been considered in this Bill. Pricing has been addressed here. In this Bill, farmers are also given power in sub-committees that consider pricing. One of the Members here, (Hon. (Dr.) Eseli), suggested that sucrose content will also be considered as part of pricing so that farmers do ... view
  • 6 Jul 2021 in National Assembly: Hon. Chairman, I am not opposing it, but I just want a matter of consistency. In Clause 5, we deleted the words book, serials and all that and replaced it with “library resources” and gave “books, serials and music as examples. Here, we are also introducing another term “digital audio”. So, could clarity be made, so that we are consistent? If we are using 'music', let it be 'music' throughout. If it is digital or audio... We need consistency. The amendment is good. view
  • 6 Jul 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady. I think the Leader of the Majority Party is right. What must be understood here is that the primary requirement for this person is a master’s degree in either medical laboratory science or pathology and also management. So, we can agree to either drop “management” up there and have it in the subsequent order. view
  • 6 Jul 2021 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady, I support what the Leader of the Majority Party is saying. What this is trying to say in another way is motivation. If you are donating blood, you are recognised. Right now we have a problem, those who donate disappear because they are not recognised in a special way. That is what it is trying to do. view
  • 1 Jul 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I want to thank my Vice- Chairman. I also sit in the Departmental Committee on Agriculture. We had a very lengthy discussion with Prof. Boga on how this Bill is going to dismantle other Acts with those capacities and it was not clear how those capacities will be enhanced to continue executing what they were supposed to be doing. We talked about food safety, food security and meat inspection. In the interest of the country, it will be good for all the stakeholders to come together because passing a Bill is one thing but setting its ... view
  • 29 Jun 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon Temporary Deputy Speaker. First of all, I support this entirely. I congratulate the Committee, especially how the Chair is working with the Vice-Chair. That is something to be emulated. We have just come back from Arusha. We passed almost a mile of trucks just queuing and we had some conversation. It is all about our inefficiencies in doing business. So, we lose money. The Committee has done well. There are some recommendations here which I want to allude to briefly. Also, we have hope that we will recommend a study, especially when we are talking about impact ... view
  • 29 Jun 2021 in National Assembly: without staff. Not only are staff physically present, but those staff must be capacitated and they must build their capacities. That is why we are having questions of scanners not working. If there is no proper supervisory role, even those who are working with those scanners can jam them for their own good. It is not news that some people would like to thrive in confusion, if there is no proper supervision. So, the human resource issue is key. I agree with the Committee that, that should be looked into. Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, the issue of high cost of ... view
  • 29 Jun 2021 in National Assembly: What a wonderful way of catching the eye of the Temporary Deputy Speaker. view
  • 29 Jun 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you. I wish you could use other means. We need a formula for ploughing money back to KRA. We need a percentage because we do not just want to fund them without knowing how much should be invested fully so that they can collect enough money. I congratulate the Committee. This is a good Report. As I said earlier, we need to extend the recommendations to get a study, so that we can get an impact assessment report which is more scientific in nature. I think there are some factors which were not controlled. Having high The electronic version ... view


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