Martin Peters Owino

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 71 to 80 of 447.

  • 18 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: market. We have people who have used a lot of money and when they come out, they have no clue where to put themselves. I wonder, if the senate and the councils of this university cannot do this job, then who is the right person to do the supervision, policing or whatever we can call it to make sure that this is done right? Lastly, I would like if possible, the Committee to upscale this to a full-fledged inquiry so that we know where the pain is. I thank you. view
  • 18 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: On a point of order. view
  • 18 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I did not want to interrupt. The Bill for Hon. Dawood is very important. Is it in order for the Hon. Member to water down this Bill to hustlers and bottoms-up narrative? I think it is wrong. view
  • 4 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I rise to ask the Cabinet Secretary for the Energy the following Question: (i) What measures has the Ministry put in place to ensure that all areas in Ndhiwa Central Constituency are connected to electricity power through the National Grid under the Last Mile Programme, Streetlights Programme and power connectivity to schools, health facilities, other public institutions and places? (ii) What steps is the Ministry taking to ensure that all health centres in Ndhiwa Constituency are also connected to electricity power noting that without power the said facilities are negating on the Government’s efforts of implementing Universal Health ... view
  • 4 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I just met head teachers of schools in my constituency. They are 52 in number. I have 204 schools in my constituency; 152 primary schools and 52 high schools. It is not just a transition from primary to high school, it is also a transition of kids from the village to primary schools. So we have classrooms which are doubling, but with no teachers. The teacher to pupil ratio is now going from about 1:50 to about 1:70. That is how bad it is. That is also working out the teachers. So, as the Hon. Member ... view
  • 4 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. view
  • 4 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. First of all, let me thank the Chief Whip for that eloquent moving of this important Bill. I am a Member of the Departmental Committee on Health and on behalf of my Chair, Hon. Sabina Chege, whom I am happy to represent, I second the National Hospital Insurance (Amendment) Bill (National Assembly Bill No.21 of 2021). Health is very important. Any Government that wants productivity, it is a must that it should address squarely and effectively the issue of healthcare. On that note, I want to thank the President for putting health as one ... view
  • 4 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: so that dispensaries and health centres can also be covered in this insurance scheme, it is important to note that we tried the input in health for UHC supplying commodities, so that people can get drugs and all that, but that did not work in the pilot phase of the study. We have, therefore, resorted to output meaning and we want to have a national insurance scheme where you can be paid for if your indigence dictates, or your employer can deduct the amount due from your salary and pay for you. Those who are working can also chip into ... view
  • 4 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: matching what they deduct from their employees and contributing it to the Fund. That will come at the Committee of the whole House stage. Let us start with the public entities and Government agencies. Merge the Fund. In insurance, when one person is critically ill, another one may be well enough to continue paying for that person to be taken care of. Lastly, I must report that we had extensive public participation on the Bill. Workers, the Ministry of Health, industries and everyone else came and gave their input. The amendments that we will propose on the Floor during the ... view
  • 4 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I beg to second. view


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