13 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. For the specialisation in question, the minimum requirement is to serve under specialist supervision for, at least, two years, in a recognised institution, which did not happen for the doctor in question. Dr. Soni admitted that her limitation in surgery was there especially her competence as a surgeon. We heard wanting cases presented to us which happened while she was trying to do an operation.
13 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
It should be recorded that the 12th Parliament Committee was not concerned about business rivalry which happened to be debated here yesterday. We had no business talking in business terms. In fact, we had no issues of her being an owner and manager of the hospital where she was practising. However, we had a problem with the process used to make her a specialist in surgery.
13 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
We recommended more investigations to be done on her competency and also her previous conduct. However, we said that the KMPDB should do their job stringently. They could not answer several questions aligned to recognition of specialists in any area. I take this issue very passionately because eyesight to everyone here is very important in many domains. This Committee has a lot of expertise in health and if we come with a Report and say that Dr. Soni is not properly trained, we have evidence. She admitted herself. She wanted to go through another programme to be acknowledged. Anybody standing ...
13 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
This is also connected to the issue of foreign doctors especially at the hospital where one of us, Hon. Angwenyi, suffered malpractices. The same doctor is in charge there. Supervision and regulation of the so-called expatriates at our facilities should be intensified and those who happen to call themselves specialists should be supervised by local specialists. In the same hospital where Dr. Soni practises, there are people who come from India. Our question was: If she is not recognised as a specialist, how will she supervise or oversee those who come as specialists? We also have questions with the board ...
13 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
In short, we spent a lot of hours in this and it is in good faith that Members approve this Report for the protection of Kenyans who do not know who a general practitioner, a medical officer and a specialist in an area is. They do not know all these things. We should set the standards straight.
13 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
With all those remarks, I urge the Members to support the Motion for the sake of Kenyans and for the sake of regulating the medical practice in this country. Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I support.
6 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. From the outset, I want to say kudos to Hon. Barasa for bringing this important Motion and also Hon. Passaris who affirmatively seconded it. This is a serious issue that we cannot afford to be whimsical about. It is an issue touching on the common mwananchi . I looked at the NTSA Act of 2012 and noted that there are many gaps that we should revisit. So, Hon. Barasa, that is the way to go. Just like in the medical setup, we start with band-aiding an oozing wound, but the main thing would be ...
6 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
that the economists will tell us something about supply and demand. This is an area that has to be regulated.
6 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
I think that is the first step to make. The second is about stages and routes. Routes were established in 1972. The common people in Eastlands, Jericho, Jerusalem, Makongeni, Kaloleni and other areas had Route 7 which was connecting them to hospitals in the city. Number 34 was going to either Kenyatta Hospital or the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport. So, the routes are there. What we need to redo is to extend them to the new estates that have come up. We cannot wait to deal with this chaos. People are suffering. In fact, commuters are travelling stressed. If you ...
6 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I rise to support this Motion. I want to thank the Chair, Hon. Koinange. You and your team did a good job. You went through what is required for public vetting and other relevant competencies. This is a job well done. As I support this, I would like to say that policing is a very critical act in this country because all the security is anchored on it and what we do and our productivity depends on security. It is fortunate that we have the right person Dr. Fred Matiang’i at the helm now. ...