6 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
As Members approved this team, we would like to throw in some charges that when they take the office, they can consider seriously. One of them is the issue of professionalism, efficiency and accountability. This has been lagging for a long time in the image of our police service. I hope that they will introduce a performance contract so that people can be evaluated periodically and if found to be doing so good, can be acknowledged and motivated in many ways like capacity building, training and all that.
6 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
I also think that we have been talking about police reforms for too long. Up to now, that has not been done adequately. There is an attempt to house the police with community which is good enough, but I think more should be done in training them in community policing. In other words, when policemen bond with the community, they cease to be reactionary police force and become proactive police officers. That is very distinctive from reacting to a crime. It might take a while but we have to do it because these were the elements of colonial mind-set that ...
6 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
We also would like that when these commissioners take this office, they should be sensitive to rape cases. As we speak, very many victims of rape do not come to police centers The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
6 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
because the centers are not friendly enough for them to do the reports. Perhaps we may hike up the gender or put special desks to receive those complaints.
6 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
In terms of HR and personnel, I am delighted to see a distinctive lady, Dr. Alice Atieno Otwala, who has worked so tirelessly in public service. I think welfare and motivation of these officers will add on to what we expect them to do. I summarise them as professionalism, efficiency and accountability to the people. With those few remarks, I fully support this Motion and urge other Members to do so.
5 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
Hon. Chairman, the leadership of this House has made a good point. I see Hon. Kimunya nodding in agreement; that the amendment should be withdrawn because it will bring confusion and interfere with devolution. We have executives at the county level, and they function with county assemblies. We do not need another national interference in the arrangement. I see Hon. Kimunya’s face and think he will withdraw the amendment. Thank you very much, Hon. Chairman.
5 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I rise to support this Motion. This was one of the brightest ideas that were enacted to help devolve funds to the needy people in the rural setting and urban areas. In Ndhiwa Constituency, which is a huge constituency consisting of 300,000 people with over 200 schools, this is the lifeline for the kids there. I budgeted for almost 30 per cent of those funds to help the needy kids. Some are already in school. But if the funds do not flow to them, they are sent home. Some have just joined school. This ...
5 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
have equity but some constituencies fall in areas that have been developed and everything has been taken care of. We, in the rural setups, suffer because of that. We need to revisit that. I agree with the Mover that the remaining amount of Kshs12 billion should be disbursed with immediate effect to the constituencies to rescue the situation. Lastly, the Government should synchronise its plans and policies. For example, there is 100 per cent transition of kids from primary to secondary school, but there are no classrooms for them to learn in. In my constituency, some learn under a tree. ...
21 Feb 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I rise to support the Motion. There is a problem I would like to talk about, which is about clearing a drainage which is long. After the 33 Bills, so what? We are going back to the other ones which will be piling up. To be honest, we should remove the prepublication scrutiny stage because after that, a Bill will be coming back to the House for First Reading. I support what the Member has said. At that point, if there is anything, it can be cleared by the committees. It is very frustrating. ...
21 Feb 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I rise to support the Motion. There is a problem I would like to talk about, which is about clearing a drainage which is long. After the 33 Bills, so what? We are going back to the other ones which will be piling up. To be honest, we should remove the prepublication scrutiny stage because after that, a Bill will be coming back to the House for First Reading. I support what the Member has said. At that point, if there is anything, it can be cleared by the committees. It is very frustrating. ...