21 Feb 2019 in National Assembly:
sober up and decide whether we reduce the time that we give to committees or we remove it altogether from the Standing Orders, so that we can move faster. As it has been said before, Bills make people remember. I am sure that I may go into those books when I pass this Bill for Community Health Workers which is very critical for Universal Health Care (UHC) right now, but it is nowhere. It has not even reached the Budget Office after six months. This is very frustrating. I support it but let us work up the system so that ...
21 Feb 2019 in National Assembly:
sober up and decide whether we reduce the time that we give to committees or we remove it altogether from the Standing Orders, so that we can move faster. As it has been said before, Bills make people remember. I am sure that I may go into those books when I pass this Bill for Community Health Workers which is very critical for Universal Health Care (UHC) right now, but it is nowhere. It has not even reached the Budget Office after six months. This is very frustrating. I support it but let us work up the system so that ...
14 Feb 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I rise to ask this Question with a very heavy heart. This is Question No.013/2019 and it is to the Cabinet Secretary for Tourism and Wildlife. (a) Is the Cabinet Secretary aware that on 8th February, 2019, one Veronica Aching, aged 7 years, was attacked by a crocodile at River Kuja in Ndhiwa Constituency and to date, she is yet to be found? (b) Are there any measures being put in place by the Ministry to contain the crocodile menace in River Kuja? (c)Could the Cabinet Secretary provide a detailed report of cases of crocodile attacks ...
14 Feb 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I rise to support this Bill. Where there is borrowing and repayment, there are stakeholders. In these arrangements, the 45 million Kenyans are represented. I can see in the amendments, Parliament is given more powers to oversee borrowing. When we do the oversight, we look at the borrowing wherever it is in the eyes of the voters. I think that will bring sanity in debt management.
14 Feb 2019 in National Assembly:
I would also like to support this Bill especially where it talks about the publication of a debt register. The office of the debt management currently as it is in the PFM Act 2012, does not give powers to the office to do this. When we publicise the debt, it will be a wake-up call so that we do not over-borrow. Right now, the projection of our debt is Kshs7 trillion. That will entangle even our children’s children. So, I support this Bill because it will bring a lot of sanity in our financial management, especially if we get more ...
13 Feb 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you so much, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I also want to join my colleagues in supporting this Bill. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
13 Feb 2019 in National Assembly:
This Bill will bring safety, health, welfare and set standards for the goods that we manufacture here, improve the quality of those goods and more importantly, raise our reputation. Right now, there is a lot of chaos when it comes to accreditation of goods, certificates or degrees. As you know, there are a lot of colleges that have mushroomed, not only in our country, but also abroad, and you cannot determine if they have genuine accreditation. This body will connect with others outside to ensure that those productions are from credible institutions. I agree with one of the Members who ...
18 Dec 2018 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. At the outset, I want to support this Bilateral Air Services Agreement between Jordan, Jamaica, Bahamas and the protocol amending the Turkey Agreement. It is good to say that Kenya is ripe for business because peace has come back to our country. I want to say kudos to Baba and the President of this country. As evidenced in Kisumu, we are peaceful and many countries are now rushing to do business with Kenya. That is why I support this Motion. It is important that the Committee on Implementation, the Departmental Committee and the Ministry ...
18 Dec 2018 in National Assembly:
with mechanisms. When we sign this, they will be ready to go into business. We do not want to be caught in a situation where we are doing 30 per cent and Jordan is doing 70 per cent because of their preparedness. So, I really want to challenge the implementers of these agreements that when the whistle is blown, how ready shall we be. I know you are a good runner Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. When that button goes off, how ready shall we be to do business? This is not just the business of transporting people here and there. ...
18 Dec 2018 in National Assembly:
I was able to travel to Jamaica, driving over 50 miles of shores and of resorts areas only. Jamaica is rich in tourism attraction. We need to move fast so that we can also tap into that tourism attraction so that when they leave Bahamas and Jamaica, they can also come to our shores like Mombasa. Kisumu in Lake Victoria is also coming up as a tourist attraction. When it comes to Turkey, we are talking of Turkey suits and shoes overtaking the Italian suits. There are goods coming into our land. What are we selling to Turkey? I think ...