Martin Peters Owino

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 311 to 320 of 447.

  • 18 Dec 2018 in National Assembly: I support this fully. But let us be prepared that when the whistles blows, we will be able to do those businesses. Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for giving me this opportunity. view
  • 29 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I rise to ask Question No.204/2018 to the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development. a) Is the Cabinet Secretary aware that the Rodi Kopany - Karungu-Sori Road that serves Rangwe, Ndhiwa, Gwassi, Uriri, Nyatike and Homa Bay constituencies in Homa Bay and Migori is now impassable, in a horrible condition and has been in state of disrepair for the past 30 years, thus impacting negatively on local transportation, emergency evacuation and businesses? b) Why was the Rodi Kopany-Sori Road passing through Homa Bay, Ndhiwa and Nyatike constituencies transferred from Kenya National ... view
  • 29 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. view
  • 28 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for giving me this opportunity. The dignity of this House depends on what Members say, how they say it, why they say it and to whom they say it. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 28 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: I commend the Committee for the Report, but from the beginning, I have a problem with their observation. They say that there might have been bribery of Members, not of some Members. That is why they were invited to investigate 349 Members. That is not correct. I want to reiterate one thing; this House is being looked at by the citizens as the highest law-making House. We, as Members, have an obligation to live to that expectation. It is as if we are piercing our own feet with a spear and crying for help. The witnesses appeared before the Committee ... view
  • 28 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: So, the Committee ought to have strongly recommended a reprimand for those who made the allegation without evidence. The Committee has powers. I do not think it is right for them to refer this matter elsewhere when they have powers outlined clearly in the Standing Orders. If they have no evidence, they should just have concluded that there is no evidence. We are a separate institution from the Executive. So, when we roll our problem for the Executive to take care of it, we are opening a can of worms to the institution of Parliament. I do not think that ... view
  • 28 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: I support the Report and urge ourselves to live up to the expectations of the people who elected us to this august House. Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. view
  • 27 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. From the outset, I declare that I am a Member of the Committee. I want to thank our Chair, Hon. Sabina Chege, who has been working so hard on this and all the Members. We are in a global village and Kenya is very much esteemed and ranks high when it comes to tobacco control. All of us saluted the late Matiba when he outlawed smoking in buildings. Right now, even on the streets, there are designated areas where you can smoke. That means that we have done well when it comes to tobacco ... view
  • 27 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: urge the House to adopt the Report so that we can be on the right side when it comes to the Protocol to outlaw illicit trade of tobacco. It should be on record that almost 11 per cent of the trade of tobacco - which is 460 billion cigarettes - across the globe is through illicit trade. That is denying countries over US$40 billion dollars. That is a lot of money. It is elusive to control structures which we have put in place as a nation to prevent this. As we all know, the burden of ill health on Kenyans, ... view
  • 14 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker for giving me this chance. I request that we step down this Bill for consultation. We have two Bills. One, I have not seen the previous one. If we were to debate these two Bills, we need them together. It appears that the HBC has extended the mandate to decide to this House. We should give them time to consult further on this. view


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