Martin Peters Owino

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 321 to 330 of 447.

  • 14 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: Lastly, if it comes to the Committee of the whole House, to debate two Bills and merge them into one is impossible. So, I recommend that we step it down. view
  • 14 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you. view
  • 14 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady. I just want to say that the district that the Chair wants to delete in the Act is not equivalent to the sub counties. These are the original districts. I think he is right. view
  • 13 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I want to thank the Leader of the Majority Party for this Bill and I support it. There are some areas that I am very interested in and I just want to emphasise. We did the qualification in the area of KEMSA and gave the president who should be appointed giving The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 13 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: emphasis to one with a degree. I think that would be of great help. We also said that the Council of Governors should be represented. That was proper. In the area of betting I think this has brought a lot of problems especially in my constituency. The increment of taxation from 35 to over 50 per cent will be a deterrent from this game. I know we get money from it but what is needed for intervention for those who have been addicted is much more. On energy, I do support collaboration. Many times if it is a national programme ... view
  • 8 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I appreciate this time. Many things have been said about this Report. I want to add my voice as I support it. This is the highest law-making House. When we pass an Act, we should not be begging anybody to follow it. The recommendation of this Committee asks the Cabinet Secretary to comply with the resolution that is made in the Act especially Section 24(1)(a) of the Political Parties Act, 2011. Just like the National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NG- CDF), we do not need to beg anybody. It is not only what pertains ... view
  • 8 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: I support the Report. The 0.3 per cent that was agreed on, as one Member said here, should be in the Supplementary Estimates II. It ought to have been in the first one or in the approved budget. I want to refute some of the words that have been used here. There is nothing like personal parties. Talk of the ODM, this is the largest party with very brilliant Members. For a Member to lump them as personal property it is a disgrace. The same applies to Jubilee. The word “briefcase” was used here. Maybe some Members do not know ... view
  • 7 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you so much, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I am so grateful to the Leader of the Majority Party and our Chair. The House should know that the Chair has men behind her. Do not be jittery when she mentions vasectomy and all those things. That was on a light touch. Human resource is still a big issue. The ratio of doctor to patient and that of nurse to patient is a tall order. As we establish universal healthcare, we will have to revisit that. The county governments cannot hire beyond what is allowed by their recurrent expenditure. The national ... view
  • 25 Oct 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. I thank the Leader of the Majority Party for that amendment. We considered it in our Committee as well. As somebody who has worked in a county, let KEMSA be the first stop. As you all know, commodities are an essential part of universal healthcare. Sometimes they run out of stock, but there are other organisations like Mission for Essential Drugs and Supplies (MEDS) with fair prices. As the President, when you finalise your campaigns and get into office, you have a lot of people to consider. Sometimes, it is difficult. We were trying ... view
  • 25 Oct 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, in the Bill, we had said clearly that licensed clinical officers can examine, diagnose, order laboratory, prescribe treatment, as well as perform invasive procedures according to their scope of training. By deleting that, it will mean that those important cadres in the implementation of the Universal Health Care (UHC) will not be able to do cataract removal, ENT, anaesthesia, C-sections and many others. This is misplaced. It was stated well in the Bill and it should remain that way. view


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