2 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
(Ndhiwa, ODM) asked the Cabinet Secretary for Wildlife and Tourism: (a) whether he was aware that there is a resurgence of tsetse flies emanating from Ruma National Park into Ndhiwa Constituency; and, (b) whether he could explain the immediate action the Ministry is taking to ensure that the tsetse flies are contained and that, monitoring and spraying is carried out in the said area. Hon. Speaker, if you will allow me to ask a supplementary question, I will be happy.
2 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Speaker. From the outset, let me declare that I am a Member of the Health Committee. We put in a lot of hours on the Health Laws (Amendment) Bill. It is our delight that for the first time, health became part of the Agenda Four. Never before have we had health in the front line and we are so grateful to the President. One of the issues we deferred, which is very important, is the National Quality Control Laboratories. This is one of the units that control the products from the manufacturing unit. This unit needs to ...
2 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
We also looked into issues of appointments. Sometimes we have blanket appointments that make institutions ineffective. So, even for those who are going to be appointed by the President, we have put qualifications that will help the President to look into effectiveness and qualification of the persons to be appointed. We also looked at the duration in terms of the amount of time one should stay in office. We suggested that in executive offices, what you cannot do within four years, you cannot do it even if you are given 10 years. Therefore, we agreed that contracts of executive officers ...
2 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
We also looked at the penalties. Most of the offences attract small penalties. They include offences like operating without a licence and stocking of drugs that are not classified according to that institution. So, we jerked up those penalties to, at least, Kshs1 million. I think this will be a deterrent to many scrupulous traders, especially in respect to drug stocking. We also looked at the representation. Of course, health is devolved. County governments are the custodians of health facilities. They undertake procurement of drugs and other medical supplies. Therefore, we made sure that counties are also represented in all ...
2 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
We also looked into the issue of association in their representation and streamlined it so that each quota is represented geographically as well as in terms of gender balance. We also looked at training institutions as apart of these associations and regulatory authorities. So, the training part is also brought on board so that we have fair representation.
2 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
As alluded by Hon. Nyikal, the issue of human resource is challenging. We have to see how to harmonise the cadres. Clinical officers would like to remain clinical officers regardless of their qualifications. Even if they become professors, they prefer to remain clinical officers. However, we felt that even if they remain clinical officers, they should have some rights in operation procedures, which are currently reserved to doctors. So, a lot needs to be done in that area. We looked into human resource issues from the village unit to tiers 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. We redefined and looked ...
2 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
We did not touch on the finance bit. We are hardly at 6 per cent, while the Abuja Declaration puts it at 15 per cent. Even if we set it at 6 per cent at the national level, we do not know what the county governments will set it at. In some county governments, it is very low while in others it is high. That needs to be looked into. Even if it means ringfencing the funds for health, it should be done because it is important.
2 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, we spent quite some time doing this work. I want to encourage my colleagues to support the Committee in terms of coming up with as many ideas as they can. Thank you, Hon. Speaker.
29 Aug 2018 in National Assembly:
I am grateful, Hon. Deputy Speaker, for the opportunity that you have given me to support the Division of Revenue (Amendment) Bill. I want to thank the people of Sweden, the EU and World Bank. Conditional grants come from taxpayers’ money and we should take it very seriously. We have had occasions where funds have been misappropriated. That is very unfortunate. Talking about agriculture, my constituency is one of the agricultural constituencies. I pray that before this money is released, we should have a structure that outlines how this money will reach constituencies after it has hit the counties. I ...
29 Aug 2018 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. I think this is very important, even if we have to get back to private Members’ business. I will be fair. We are now approving the grant that is being given to counties and we do not want to stay aloof after that approval so that when you get to the counties you look irrelevant because these functions are devolved. There should be a structure where Members of Parliament can also provide some oversight, so that we stay looped in on what goes on. The EU, in its kindness, needs to be patted on the ...