23 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. At one point, Suba was in Ndhiwa. She could be right but that was before it was divided. Ndhiwa has small-scale farmers who are struggling and working hard to produce their crops for food and The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
23 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
also for commercial purposes. We have bumper harvest right now, but it is being sold cheaply. A tin of corn is going for about Kshs40 because there are no storage facilities for the farmers. When this is introduced, I think the rate at which the crops are getting spoilt will go down and the household income will rise. That is because they will be having those receipts which will stand in for their security. This can cascade to paying school fees and children will not drop out of school, poverty will reduce and destruction by pests that we now see ...
23 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
We believe that in Ndhiwa, we can export beyond Homa Bay County if this system is introduced. I, therefore, support this with a caveat that it should be well regulated so that it does not lead to another corruption in the store house. It should also have insurance. Should the warehouse system be gutted down by fire, then the farmer does not lose.
23 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
I also want to add that this will improve the value system for the crops. In my constituency, we are very optimistic that the corn and nuts that we grow will get good value. In turn, we will have value addition to all the crops that we produce. I support this and thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me the time. May the Mover and the Seconder be blessed for this.
3 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I rise to support this Motion. Let me thank Hon. Anthony Oluoch for bringing it and Hon. Kiarie who seconded it. This is also my passion. Little things can be big things. This is a big one.
3 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
In Ndhiwa Constituency, unemployment among the youths is beyond the national average. It is about 65 per cent. It affects those who went to school or not. It is a disaster already in the households in my constituency. For example, there is a family of five children which had The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
3 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
five oxen only to plough their farm. Because the first born got admission to college, they had to dispose of one ox after the other. At the end of it, the lad finished the college but retreated home. He has not got a job for the past 10 years. This first born was supposed to get a job and uplift other siblings. That is not happening. So, the poverty in that house has gone higher than any other family. It is across the constituency. I know that this is across the country. That is why we are asking for the ...
3 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
When there is unemployment of this magnitude among the youths, it brings down the income, the living standard declines, the working power of the nation declines and revenue and productivity go down. These are the years where production of the country depends on. The United Nations (UN) explains this as between 15 and 24 years, but we are even spanning now to the senior youth which is even beyond 35. Somebody finishes college and he takes many years before he gets a job. When they fall into the frustration domain, crime starts. Poverty is in the highest level because these ...
3 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
Hon. Oluoch is right. We have to make a statutory arrangement, so that even if loans are taken, this House should be consulted. We are crying of unemployment but on the other side, the decisions that we make do not support what we are going through as a nation. There is also the social aspect of high unemployment rate. Debt is increasing; there is homelessness, migration to the cities to look for jobs and crime. Suicide is on the rise in my constituency. I employed a constituency chaplain because of unemployment.
3 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
I support this Motion. Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker.