All parliamentary appearances

Entries 661 to 666 of 666.

  • 28 Sep 2017 in Senate: Thank you Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. I stand to support this Motion. Before I go far, I want to appreciate the effort of the sponsor, Sen. Dullo, for thinking and being a visionary leader. The situation that we are in today deserves that and calls for that quick action. As I stand, I am not just standing because I am in the list – and I appreciate the people who considered my name – I feel I will learn a lot from the other experts who were here before me and whose work I really respect and I admire. However, ... view
  • 28 Sep 2017 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, before I conclude, I was saying that I support this Bill for accountability purposes--- view
  • 28 Sep 2017 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, it is the same that has given birth to what we now call electronic transmission. In the church, we say that we are guided by three things: Reason, tradition and scripture and for our purpose here, I suggest that we be guided by reason, tradition and the Constitution, which we have been given the mandate to amend from time to time. I support. view
  • 27 Sep 2017 in Senate: Thank you, Madam Temporary Speaker. I also join Sen. Haji in congratulating you as I support this Motion that we go on recess. First, we need to do that because all of us represent different counties. From 31st August, 2017, we have been busy doing different things here. Again, many of us come from counties that need our attention at this particular time. In a county like Marsabit where I represent, drought has wiped out animals. We have no water and mothers and young girls are suffering trying to fetch it. In those counties, when people do not see us, ... view
  • 27 Sep 2017 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. First, I am excited about this agenda that we are discussing now simply because I have a lot of concerns for our nation. From 8th August, 2017, every new day has had a new issue for us to deal with. As a woman, a lot of fear has been created in us. As a mother who has children who go to school and other family members going to work, you wonder whether they will be safe on the road. All that has created a lot of fear for us and, I believe, even for ... view
  • 27 Sep 2017 in Senate: So, it is important for us to discuss these issues now and also tell our colleagues on the other side. Yes, when we decided to deal with the former Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) team, they succeeded by demonstrating every Tuesday. A lot of destruction took place even at that time and, at the end of the day, they succeeded. As one of the legislators today, I think that is where we failed and we gave in. For this IEBC team, it is unfortunate that they are going through the same threat that their predecessors went through now. It ... view


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