Samuel Onunga Atandi

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 241 to 250 of 450.

  • 25 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker for giving me the opportunity to contribute to the second petition by Hon. Babu Owino, which is very serious. The Petition involves destruction of private property of hardworking Kenyans. Looking at this petition, you will find out that the houses had already been built and Kenya Power Company had even connected them to electricity. So, my question would be: Which one came first? How did Kenya Power Company connect houses with electricity and then come back later to say that the houses ought to be demolished? view
  • 25 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I know some of the people who have been affected by these demolitions. I, therefore, would like to urge the House to move with speed because many of our people have been displaced and some are stranded with no accommodation. They have nowhere to reside with their families. I urge the Committee that is going to deal with this Petition to move with speed so that we can get answers. view
  • 25 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. view
  • 12 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to support the Budget and Appropriations Committee Report. I have the following remarks. view
  • 12 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: First, this country is experiencing food insufficiency. In the recent past, there have been pictures all over in the media of Kenyans dying of hunger and shortage of water. So, we must ensure that we run a Budget that does not expose Kenyans. That is the reason why I support the resolution that we should give a special allocation to relief food under the Ministry of Devolution. You will realise that the Government has been trying to resolve the crisis of food insufficiency in the country by way of going through Contingency Fund. However, we have been told that the ... view
  • 12 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: It is very shameful that we are a Parliament that makes the Budget and yet in the end, we have Kenyans dying of hunger. This is a very important allocation which we must support. view
  • 12 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: Secondly, there is the misuse or abuse of Article 223 by the Executive. This Article’s intention is to help the country address emergencies and calamities. However, we have cases where this Article has been abused by the national Treasury by allocating resources that ideally should not fall under this particular Article. We have a case where resources have been allocated for travelling in terms of luxurious holidays. Most recently, we saw the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) buying fuel guzzlers under a budget item which had not been appropriated. The argument they have given us is that they used Article ... view
  • 12 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: Another issue is that this Parliament appropriates resources to ministries and departments which, ideally, are not involved in implementing development projects. An example is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The budget for this Ministry has been going up. This financial year, we have given them a lot of resources. But we do not go back to check what value we get as a people from some of those allocations. view
  • 12 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: If you look at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, you will realise that it is very important because we have a department in-charge of economic diplomacy. From where I sit, economic diplomacy is very important because this is the department which should be telling us what resources we have received because of our foreign relations activities. But that department is not performing because they hire people who are not experts. They hire people based on ethnicity, cronyism and tribalism. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained ... view
  • 12 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: We must call on the CS Foreign Affairs because in future, we want to see this Ministry performing. I think the departmental committee in-charge of overseeing this Ministry must, at the end of this financial year, tell us what gains we have made from the resources we have given this ministry. I think this is very important and the CS must also know that we want to have competent people representing us in the various foreign missions so that we can get value for the resources we have given them. Lastly, I must say that we are giving a lot ... view


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