5 Jun 2018 in National Assembly:
The President touched on corruption. Following his statements in this Chamber, we have seen a lot of action on his part. Right now, many Government officers and businessmen have been arraigned in court facing charges, but some of us have been apprehensive about the approach that the Government and agencies in charge of corruption are taking towards addressing this dragon. I would like to use this forum to propose to the President that the best approach he needs to employ urgently is to appoint an anti-corruption czar in his office. What we have seen are small fish arraigned in court ...
5 Jun 2018 in National Assembly:
Otherwise, we support the recent actions by the President. I believe that the only person who means well and who is ready to fight corruption is the President. I do not trust any other officer in the Government. Therefore, I would like the President to appoint another Mr. Githongo in his office who will pursue the big fish and the whales and ensure that no stone is left unturned as far as corruption is concerned. Right now, we have corruption cases involving humongous amounts of money in hundreds and billions of shillings. Some of those resources would have been used ...
5 Jun 2018 in National Assembly:
Otherwise, we support the recent actions by the President. I believe that the only person who means well and who is ready to fight corruption is the President. I do not trust any other officer in the Government. Therefore, I would like the President to appoint another Mr. Githongo in his office who will pursue the big fish and the whales and ensure that no stone is left unturned as far as corruption is concerned. Right now, we have corruption cases involving humongous amounts of money in hundreds and billions of shillings. Some of those resources would have been used ...
25 Apr 2018 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to contribute. This is a very important Motion because we know that there are Kenyans who are aged between 70 and 80 years, but they do not own identification cards. We were involved in the electioneering processes recently. We went to ask our people to come out in large numbers and vote. We realised that there are many people who do not own identification cards. This is very shameful. Considering that the budget estimates are prepared on the basis of the number of Kenyans who are registered, it means ...
25 Apr 2018 in National Assembly:
This is a very important Motion. Sometimes I ask myself why the Government has allowed Kenyans to exist in this country without those documents. We know the importance of those documents. For instance, if the youths are not registered, they cannot access the Youth Enterprise Development Fund. You cannot even open a bank account or participate in the electoral processes or marry. If you have a child who wants to get a birth certificate and you do not have an Identity Card, the child will not be registered.
25 Apr 2018 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, this is a very important Motion. Government officers should not wait for Parliament to discuss some of these things before they implement them. We want Kenyans to be properly registered so that if you are a Kenyan, you are dignified. When you do not have an ID, you exist like you do not live. For the dignity of Kenyans, this is very important. We would like the Government to move with speed and ensure that Kenyans access registration services.
25 Apr 2018 in National Assembly:
Siaya District or sub-county with its three constituencies has only one registration centre. People from two constituencies have to come all the way to Siaya for registration. This is really a large section of the county. It makes the process very cumbersome. That is why you find people aged 70 or 80 years not registered.
25 Apr 2018 in National Assembly:
The Government needs to move with speed. The process also needs to be made simple so that it can be done in each sub-location. Even if it is at the headquarters of a constituency, it is still is very far for people who live in the remote areas. I call upon the Government to move with speed and increase the number of civil registration centres, so that Kenyans can enjoy and live in dignity by having those documents, and use them to access services.
25 Apr 2018 in National Assembly:
Thank you. I support the Motion.
25 Apr 2018 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. Let me say that this is what I would call Godsend legislation. I would have loved to see my colleagues from the Luo Nyanza The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.