15 Jun 2021 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Speaker. For avoidance of doubt, I am well-schooled. I went to university, and many people in this House know. However, the crisis in Kenya is not about lack of academic papers; it is integrity. There is no evidence that if you have many papers, then you probably have more integrity than others. It is clear that many of us have gone to school and have many papers. However, when it comes to interrogation and decision-making, one’s education level does not apply. Education qualification is never the yardstick. This House should not lock the voters from electing whoever ...
15 Jun 2021 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, I rise to ask the Cabinet Secretary for Health: (i) Could the Cabinet Secretary explain why the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) is yet to remit over Kshs3 million owed to St. Raphael Dispensary in Matisi Village in Saboti Constituency as NHIF claims despite the facility having filed the claims correctly and on time, which has caused the facility to shut down operations owing to its inability to pay salaries and procure essential medical supplies? (ii) Could the Cabinet Secretary also explain the measures that the Government has put in place to ensure that NHIF funding is remitted ...
15 Jun 2021 in National Assembly:
(iii)Could the Cabinet Secretary also provide the implementation status of the Linda Mama Programme under the NHIF since its commencement, including the amount spent and its impact so far?
15 Jun 2021 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I take this opportunity on behalf of my family and the people of Alego Usonga to pass our sincere condolences to the family of Hon. Jakoyo Midiwo. I met Jakoyo when I was still in the banking industry where I used to work. When I developed interest to join politics, I looked for him and had a meeting with him. I wanted him to guide me on how to maneuver the field of politics. He asked me a few questions and I answered him then he told me: “I think you can be a good politician.” ...
15 Jun 2021 in National Assembly:
He said that I walked a lot with the youth, the body builders, and asked me to stop that. He said that there are many mistakes that politicians make and one of them is that when they are elected, they do not pick calls. He asked me to pick all calls that came my way and never switch off my phones. This is something that Hon. Mbadi alluded to. Those two lessons that he gave me have really helped me in my political journey. I do not switch off my phones and I dropped the idea of walking around with ...
15 Jun 2021 in National Assembly:
Hon. Jakoyo was somebody who never held any grudge with anyone. I remember in the recent past in our Siaya County politics, we were not reading from the same script. In many occasions when we met with Jakoyo, he never talked about our political differences. He would talk about the current issues, never held grudge and treated me like his friend. Yesterday, when we received the news of his demise, I said as a county, we have lost a progressive and formidable leader.
15 Jun 2021 in National Assembly:
The politics in Siaya will change. For a long time and up to the most recent time, even when Jakoyo was not in this Parliament, Siaya politics always revolved around him. You were either with or against Jakoyo. I think for us as young leaders, there is a lot we have learnt from Jakoyo on his political life, the way he handled his issues, his boldness and the fact that he was somebody who always took a position, irrespective of whether it was against the party or establishment. This is something we will not have for a long time in ...
15 Jun 2021 in National Assembly:
Even as we mourn, I want to call upon our people to learn something about Jakoyo. As the Member who represents his uncles because, his mother comes from my constituency, the family has gone through a lot. Recently, we lost his uncle, his sister who was also married in my constituency and now we have lost Hon. Jakoyo Midiwo. We know many deaths have come in a span of just two weeks and it is very painful. I want to thank Hon. Kimunya for urging Members to stand with the family of the late. May the Almighty God rest the ...
13 May 2021 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. Before I read my Statement, I want to notify you that I have asked Questions twice on the Floor of this House, but I have not received answers. The last time you directed the Leader of the Majority Party to ensure that the Chair of the Departmental Committee on Finance and National Planning supplies me with answers to the Questions I raised and it has not been done.
13 May 2021 in National Assembly:
Hon. Deputy Speaker, pursuant to Standing Order 44 (2)(c), I seek a statement from the Chairperson of the Departmental Committee on Administration and National Security regarding insecurity at Dond Koki Market, Alego Usonga Constituency. Hon. Deputy Speaker, there has been persistent insecurity at Dond Koki Market in Alego Usonga Constituency, where there has been breaking into shops and continuous brutal killings of several security guards employed by traders and businessmen in the said market. This has been reported several times by the community and businessmen at Siaya Police Station and The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for ...