All parliamentary appearances
Entries 391 to 400 of 538.
25 Mar 2010 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, in Lamu District, pregnant women and sick people have been suffering for so long because they do not have a Government ambulance. But the local people have decided to have one. They are the ones who are paying the drive. Could the Minister consider assisting the local people with fuel expenses?
16 Mar 2010 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, this is a very serious issue for the whole country. Twenty years ago Kenyans were told that electricity would be in every home. Right now it is completely a different picture. The charges of electricity have increased by between 350 and 800 per cent. The Assistant Minister has told us that they do not have control over the Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) Ltd. I know that the Government is the single majority shareholder with 48 per cent shareholding, and that is subject to correction. Mr. Speaker, Sir, KenGen is generating power---
16 Mar 2010 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, could the Assistant Minister assure this House of three things? Could he reduce their profit margin, operation costs and make sure that KenGen reduce their charges to the KPLC Ltd.?
10 Mar 2010 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I wish to commend the Prime Minister for his boldness on the issue of fighting corruption. The wananchi have been very patient, but they are now really tired of hearing about zero tolerance to corruption. We have been told corruption started with the first, the second and the third regimes. It began with the single party system through the multiparty system and now with the Grand Coalition system. It is true that through corruption, wananchi have been denied access to education, health, shelter and proper infrastructure.
10 Mar 2010 in National Assembly:
I would like to advice the Prime Minister that during his consultations with the President, to come up with a policy where if a person is found guilty of corruption, besides the jail term, he should return all the money which he stole from the public funds.
2 Mar 2010 in National Assembly:
Bw. Naibu Spika wa Muda, ahsante sana kwa kunipa nafasi hii kuchangia Hotuba ya Rais, ambayo naiunga mkono rasmi, na hususan maneno yenye uzito aliyoeleza na kutaka kushughulikiwa kwa dhati na sisi Wabunge wa Bunge la Kumi. Ningependa kuyanukuu maneno mazito aliyoyataja kwenye Hotuba yake. Changamoto zilizojiri katika siku hizi za majuzi, twataka ziangaliwe kwa makini sana.
2 Mar 2010 in National Assembly:
Bw. Naibu Spika wa Muda, kuna swala muhimu ambalo Rais amekuwa akilitaja mara kwa mara katika Hotuba yake; Wabunge kujitolea kwa dhati kuwahudumia wananchi wa Kenya. Haya ni mambo ambayo, mara kwa mara, tunapaswa kujikumbusha kama Wabunge.
2 Mar 2010 in National Assembly:
Jambo ambalo wananchi wanaliona lina uzito sana kwetu sisi Wabunge na Serikali kwa jumla ni ufisadi. Ingawa kwenye Hotuba yake Rais alitaja maneno ya kuwatia moyo wananchi, mara nyingi inaonekana kwamba kunapotokea visa vya ufisadi Serikali husahau kutekeleza majukumu yake ya kuwashtaki wale wanaofanya ufisadi. Bw. Naibu Spika wa Muda, mara kwa mara, tunakumbushwa ufisadi uliotokea wakati wa Goldenberg, Anglo Leasing, ufisadi wa mahindi, mafuta na, hata hivi majuzi, ufisadi wa fedha za elimu ya bure kwa shule za umma. Hayo ni mambo ambayo yameregeza nyuma imani ya wananchi wetu kwa Serikali yetu kwa hivi sasa. Jambo la kufurahisha ni ...
2 Mar 2010 in National Assembly:
Vile ilivyotokea mpaka tukaonyeshwa kwenye vyombo vya habari maziwa yakimwagwa chini, tunailaumu Serikali. Serikali ina uwezo wa kuyanunua maziwa yale na kulipia gharama kiwanda cha Kenya Co-operative Creameries (KCC) au hata viwanda
2 Mar 2010 in National Assembly:
vya watu binafsi, halafu viwanda hivyo viyachukue maziwa yale na kuwapelekea wanafunzi shuleni na maeneo ambayo yanahitaji maziwa wakati huu. Hilo ni jambo ambalo limewafanya wananchi kuwa na masikitiko makubwa. Kuna wale wenzetu wanaoitwa Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). Wangepelekewa maziwa yale kwa gharama ya Serikali. Bw. Naibu Spika wa Muda, Rais pia alieleza kwenye Hotuba yake kwamba kila Mkenya aheshimiwe. Hili ni jambo la msingi wa Katiba yetu. Lakini ukija kwenye maswala ya kutolewa kwa vitambulisho, mara nyingi sisi watu wa Pwani hulalamika. Tunaona kwamba katika maeneo mengine ya Kenya, kuna sera tofauti za kutolewa kwa vitambulisho. Kwetu Pwani, sera ...