Christine Oduor Ombaka

Parties & Coalitions


23rd November 1956




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 471 to 480 of 576.

  • 19 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to contribute to this Bill. First, I am a Member of Justice and Legal Affairs Committee and we have gone through this Bill. I want to say that this is a good Bill that comes at the right time because every single day there is a family that has been killed; there is a Member of the family that has been murdered and there are so many deaths, so many killings going on at the family level. This Bill intends to protect Members of the family and to strengthen the family ... view
  • 19 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: families are breaking up. One of the sections in the Marriage Bill says that divorce is allowed when there is too much violence in a family. That Marriage Bill protects the marriage. It simply says that when there is too much violence, where there is a likelihood of somebody being killed, then the spouse can separate. I do not support separation because I do not believe in breaking a family but that is part of the law that protects the family. Divorce is allowed when violence is too much and somebody is likely to be killed in that family. Many ... view
  • 19 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, providing shelter is good because many children who are violated tend to escape to the streets. They tend to just wonder about, not knowing where to go. This time round, there is going to be some shelter, which will provide them with very good protection. Food, medical care and counselling will be provided. So, one sees that the issue of protection is actually being addressed in this Bill. That is why I am strongly supporting it. I want to support it vehemently because the family system is going to stay strong. The family system will be able to ... view
  • 19 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: With those remarks, I beg to support. view
  • 14 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, thank you for giving me this opportunity. I would like to contribute to this. First of all, I would like to appreciate the role of devolution in the county. Many of these counties were under-developed in the past and today we are witnessing great development that is moving very fast. It is a great honour that this is happening. It is also very important to note that because devolution is good, we are moving from 15 per cent to 43 per cent so that we can accelerate the development in the counties. However, I sympathize with ... view
  • 14 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: money. Any kiosk can do that anywhere. So, it does not surprise me that this is expected of them. But the biggest surprise is that they complain as though they do not want to account for the money that has been allocated to them. They better be informed that this is an expectation and it is part of accountability. It is part of transparency and all governors should account for the money that is given to them. Finally, there is so much noise over the money at the county being misused. The newspaper is full of reports of money being ... view
  • 14 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, finally, the area of procurement is a challenge. This is an area that gives 30 per cent to women, the youth and people living with disability. Can the governors tell us how they have allocated funds to those special groups because it is not very clear? In my county, I do not know how many youths have been given opportunities to do some business with the county. Many are complaining a lot and asking what is happening. I think this need to be streamlined. view
  • 14 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: Perhaps, we need, at the end of every year or at the end of a particular period, maybe, every three months, the counties to tell us or pin a list of people who have benefited from the procurement processes. That is key. That is the area that we need to target. The counties need to constantly tell us and list the people who have benefited from those contracts. view
  • 14 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: We should constantly check on our governors because we want the money to be used adequately. We want to see development in progress. We do not wish to attack them all the time. However, we want them to be more responsible and account for the money that has been allocated to them. We also want to see our counties grow in leaps and bounds especially counties that have been under-developed since 1950. view
  • 14 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you. view


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