David Ouma Ochieng'

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All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1521 to 1530 of 2297.

  • 18 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: I would like to urge the President that if he is serious about devolution, let him recall the County Commissioners back to Nairobi for consultation like he has done with the ambassadors so that we can know that he is serious in ensuring that the governors take charge of the counties. view
  • 18 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: I would like to urge the President that if he is serious about devolution, let him recall the County Commissioners back to Nairobi for consultation like he has done with the ambassadors so that we can know that he is serious in ensuring that the governors take charge of the counties. view
  • 18 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: The country is divided today along ethnic and tribal lines. The President did not even mention the word “tribal” or “ethnic” in his Speech, and yet he knows that he is taking over at a time when the country is very much divided. He needs, first of all, to ensure that we seal the political, ethnic and tribal rifts that exist among us today if this country is to move forward. view
  • 18 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: The country is divided today along ethnic and tribal lines. The President did not even mention the word “tribal” or “ethnic” in his Speech, and yet he knows that he is taking over at a time when the country is very much divided. He needs, first of all, to ensure that we seal the political, ethnic and tribal rifts that exist among us today if this country is to move forward. view
  • 18 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: We, in CORD assure the President and the country that we will not oppose for the sake of opposing because this country has made a very powerful Parliament; Parliament that almost takes all the bureaucracy. We will be required to rise to the occasion. This is possible if we respect the law. view
  • 18 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: We, in CORD assure the President and the country that we will not oppose for the sake of opposing because this country has made a very powerful Parliament; Parliament that almost takes all the bureaucracy. We will be required to rise to the occasion. This is possible if we respect the law. view
  • 18 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, Sir, the just concluded elections had issues. The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has already said it, and the Supreme Court has confirmed that they did not do a good job. Some of the hon. Members here are facing petitions because of lack of transparency by the IEBC. The President did not mention it in his Speech. He also did not tell us what he intends to do with that. We cannot continue disbanding and forming a new IEBC every time. We need firm measures to ensure that we have a working and transparent electoral body in ... view
  • 18 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, Sir, the just concluded elections had issues. The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has already said it, and the Supreme Court has confirmed that they did not do a good job. Some of the hon. Members here are facing petitions because of lack of transparency by the IEBC. The President did not mention it in his Speech. He also did not tell us what he intends to do with that. We cannot continue disbanding and forming a new IEBC every time. We need firm measures to ensure that we have a working and transparent electoral body in ... view
  • 9 Jan 2013 in National Assembly: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, I want to agree with my Chair. We really deliberated on these names, as required by the Standing Orders of this House and after looking into each and every person’s Curriculum Vitae (CV), we realized that they are qualified to perform their duties as Commissioners in the Public Service Commission. Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, I beg to second the list. view
  • 8 Jan 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. The Kenya Red Cross does well when disasters beckon. However, what is not coming out very clearly is the issue of transparency. I remember last year, when we had floods in my place, they came in handy. They provided blankets and other materials. However, when I wrote back to them to ask them to quantify the kind of assistance they had given, up to now, they have not responded. Do you not think that at times they should tell us that this is what we have done for your people? They have supplied in terms ... view


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