31 Jul 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you very much, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for giving me a chance to contribute to this very noble item that has been brought forth by my friend, Hon. Member, Chris. I rise to support the agenda to set up an institute of directors. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
31 Jul 2019 in National Assembly:
Directors are very important persons, especially when it comes to the management and running of institutions. It cuts across the board because directors work in private institutions as well us in our Government systems. What makes me really want to put a lot of emphasis on my support for this Motion is the need that has been alluded to, that it is voluntary. It will require that one volunteers without being coerced. That would also make it be known to us that, where we have such institutes, we have several institutes dealing with various disciplines. For instance, we have the ...
27 Jun 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for giving me an opportunity to speak to this matter. I support the Report of the Committee. Before I indulge further, allow me to wish all Kenyans who are under the weather, in hospitals or any part of the world quick recovery. Also, invoke to all Kenyans the need for us to pray as a nation because it is only God who heals as the medical personnel do their work. So, quick recovery to all Kenyans who are recuperating in every part of this country or the world.
27 Jun 2019 in National Assembly:
Allow me to also thank the medical practitioners and paramedics for the effort they are putting in the wellness of the people of Kenya. They have gone out of their way to use the limited resources they have. It is out of this that a Report has been made by the Committee on the need to improve our referral systems. So, I thank them for doing a good job. Also, I want to thank the Committee for the good Report they have written which is giving a good highlight on the state of our referral systems. Apart from this, we ...
27 Jun 2019 in National Assembly:
Under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), health and wellness is covered under SDG No.4. It is a serious thing. One of the priorities of His Excellency the President of the Republic of Kenya, Hon. Kenyatta, is UHC and leaving nobody behind when it comes to matters health. How can we achieve this with very limited facilities? How can we achieve UHC when we are using most of our money to take our people outside for treatment? Many senior Government officials are outside this country getting treatment and the Government is using a lot of money to secure the health of ...
27 Jun 2019 in National Assembly:
It is important that we relook and rethink our position. When it comes to issues of mental health, this has been elucidated very well by people who have talked before me, but I want to look at depression. One would rarely get referrals for depression, but I stand on the Floor of this House, go on record and say that we need specialised units in referral systems to just take care of mental health as it has been said. This is especially on depression. One may not be mad, but a good number of Kenyans are depressed. So, it is ...
27 Jun 2019 in National Assembly:
Another thing that I want to bring up as I give other Members an opportunity is that as a country, we need to seriously take care of our health. I am not sure, but as much as Kenyans are getting aware of their health status, there is need for physical health and we are running into several gymnasia. This House, the National Assembly, has a very good gym. What I am asking Kenyans as I stand in this august House is: Are we able to determine what level of exercise we should undertake as a community at a given age? ...
24 Apr 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you very much, Hon. Speaker. It is my pleasure to rise to support the President's Address on the state of the nation. Allow me to take this chance to thank the Hon. President for giving an excellent speech on the state of the nation. I want to specifically look at certain items that he highlighted in his speech. The President was particular on matters to do with development of the Big Four Agenda. He looked at aspects The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from ...
24 Apr 2019 in National Assembly:
touching on agriculture and the need to enhance food security in this country. It is important that as a nation, the country is well fed. A well fed nation will develop. At the same time, I implore the Hon. President to look at our young people who are out there trained in agriculture, but are not employed. We should put more money in agricultural activities to engage them. We have very many trained extension officers out there who can do extension work. Any agricultural system that is not supported by agricultural extension services is due for extinction. So, it is ...
13 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you very much, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. It is a fine morning to give my contribution on this important Motion that has been brought by an Hon. Member in this august House. Before I proceed, I want to give some highlights on the use of apple cider. It is not from a prescriptive point of view but when we mention certain things in the House, they form a basis for research out there. I honestly, do not see why Hon. Maanzo would be put to task to say that he is not a doctor to prescribe. Apple cider is ...