Lilian Achieng Gogo

Parties & Coalitions

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All parliamentary appearances

Entries 71 to 80 of 180.

  • 7 Aug 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to make my contribution on this very important Motion. I rise to support it. I thank Dr. Tum for bringing this Motion to the House. In the wake of the very many deaths of senior members of society and the unrecorded cases of deaths that arise from cancer, it is important that we put in some serious debate around issues of cancer. Those who have spoken ahead of me have indicated that cancer of the cervix is a sexually transmitted disease. This must come out clearly - that cancer ... view
  • 7 Aug 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to make my contribution on this very important Motion. I rise to support it. I thank Dr. Tum for bringing this Motion to the House. In the wake of the very many deaths of senior members of society and the unrecorded cases of deaths that arise from cancer, it is important that we put in some serious debate around issues of cancer. Those who have spoken ahead of me have indicated that cancer of the cervix is a sexually transmitted disease. This must come out clearly - that cancer ... view
  • 7 Aug 2019 in National Assembly: As we discuss this matter, lifestyle change is more important that even vaccination. Most of the people who transmit this cancer are not young boys. Most of the people who transmit it and are mainly sexually active are people who are a bit economically endowed. They think that they should sleep around anywhere anytime with anybody. These are the people who are causing trouble in this nation. These are the people who go sleeping around with young girls. If you see The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can ... view
  • 7 Aug 2019 in National Assembly: As we discuss this matter, lifestyle change is more important that even vaccination. Most of the people who transmit this cancer are not young boys. Most of the people who transmit it and are mainly sexually active are people who are a bit economically endowed. They think that they should sleep around anywhere anytime with anybody. These are the people who are causing trouble in this nation. These are the people who go sleeping around with young girls. If you see The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can ... view
  • 7 Aug 2019 in National Assembly: yourself as a man having genital warts, that is a clear indication that you have HPV. People should be advised, especially in such cases, to reduce their sexual activities. Men are carriers, but women are sufferers. You may think that you have tested yourself for HIV/AIDS and you are safe, but you are a carrier of HPV and you are going to kill your wife. It is important that we are serious about matters sex. It is important that we seriously relook at our sexual behaviours even as leaders in this country. There are people who think that when they ... view
  • 7 Aug 2019 in National Assembly: yourself as a man having genital warts, that is a clear indication that you have HPV. People should be advised, especially in such cases, to reduce their sexual activities. Men are carriers, but women are sufferers. You may think that you have tested yourself for HIV/AIDS and you are safe, but you are a carrier of HPV and you are going to kill your wife. It is important that we are serious about matters sex. It is important that we seriously relook at our sexual behaviours even as leaders in this country. There are people who think that when they ... view
  • 7 Aug 2019 in National Assembly: I want to say this on record: If we do not bring in sexual education at its earliest time in our education system and we discuss this matter with our boys and girls, certain cancers are going to stay with us for quite a long time and we are going to die as Kenyans. It is important, other than the vaccination that we give against HPV, that we tell our boys and girls without any matter of doubt that when they go having early sex, one of the things that they are going to predispose themselves to is certain aspects ... view
  • 7 Aug 2019 in National Assembly: I want to say this on record: If we do not bring in sexual education at its earliest time in our education system and we discuss this matter with our boys and girls, certain cancers are going to stay with us for quite a long time and we are going to die as Kenyans. It is important, other than the vaccination that we give against HPV, that we tell our boys and girls without any matter of doubt that when they go having early sex, one of the things that they are going to predispose themselves to is certain aspects ... view
  • 7 Aug 2019 in National Assembly: It is also very important that we relook at our healthcare system. It is only primary healthcare that is devolved. The national Government should take up its role of addressing the issue of healthcare seriously. Only the hospitals that were being run by the councils were left for the counties. This should come out very well as it is in the Fourth Schedule. I rise to support this matter but, at the same time, I want to give a strong warning to those of us who think that they can just go sleeping around. You will sleep around my friend, ... view
  • 7 Aug 2019 in National Assembly: It is also very important that we relook at our healthcare system. It is only primary healthcare that is devolved. The national Government should take up its role of addressing the issue of healthcare seriously. Only the hospitals that were being run by the councils were left for the counties. This should come out very well as it is in the Fourth Schedule. I rise to support this matter but, at the same time, I want to give a strong warning to those of us who think that they can just go sleeping around. You will sleep around my friend, ... view


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