2 Jun 2020 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for allowing me to weigh in on this matter. I rise to support this particular Motion on the basis of precedent that has been set. Members have talked about ad hoc committees that were formed earlier, even before this COVID-19 came, to look at other issues like cattle rustling and things that were important at that time. That is why they are called ad hoc committees. They only come in when it is necessary. They discharge a given duty after which they are disbanded. Therefore, I do not see any conflict of interest here. ...
2 Jun 2020 in National Assembly:
committee that is going to work in line with the Departmental Committee on Health and other committees and sectors. I support this Motion because the ad hoc committee will be a focal point in response to COVID–19, especially on matters that concern this august House. Also, the Committee will be time-bound. I do not see why anyone should be scared of usurp of duties or duplication of roles. In any case, it will not be duplication of roles. It will be, being additive. There is work that has already been done, but more work can be done. I do not ...
2 Jun 2020 in National Assembly:
a coordinated system that I can know Rangwe is represented. I must not be necessarily there but I can give my views. Thank you.
6 May 2020 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, thank you for giving me time to indulge in this particular matter. I stand here as a Member of Parliament and also, as an academician. This issue is at the heart of Kenya. When it comes to education for our children, we are honestly not going to engage in rat, cat and mouse games. When it is virtual learning, we want it to reach the very lowest end. As it has already been said by Hon. Sabina, there are some families that do not even have that particular battery to put into a radio system to listen to ...
6 May 2020 in National Assembly:
I honestly do not intend to go to the Office of the Cabinet Secretary for Education to plead with him. I will not do that. I am a people’s representative. I represent Rangwe Constituency in the National Assembly. We must get monitoring and evaluation of … What was that? I do not know what the Chairman presented. I cannot place it.
6 May 2020 in National Assembly:
It is high time as a House we came out and made this an august House. We are not just going to come here for you to do a very long Statement. We want precision. We want results. We want to be seen to be doing something to Kenyans and not buying time. Not just coming to say that we have extended the closure by one month, sijui what? We are not going to allow the Cabinet Secretary for Education to somea parents that, oh... That is not parliamentary.
6 May 2020 in National Assembly:
He is not going to lecture parents, students and Kenyans. We want performance. The President is a reasonable person and they should not let him down. The President cannot be a President at the same time the Cabinet Secretary for Education. We want performance. Thank you, Very much, Hon. Speaker.
18 Sep 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I rise to support this Bill. I thank the hon. Member who has brought it to the House. Employment issues are very pertinent in our country, and more so when it comes to youth employment. As a nation, we need to rethink our systems and values. Especially, our governance system needs to support a mass of trained youth who are still going for training with the objective of having some form of a living at some point.
18 Sep 2019 in National Assembly:
The way it is right now, Kenya is such that we have a big number of highly skilled Kenyans out there who require employment, but we do not have sufficient structures to absorb them or create conducive environment for them to be employed. It is important that as a country, we address seriously the issue of young people’s employment. It is not only employment that is an issue. We should create a good environment for entrepreneurial engagement of the many The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be ...
18 Sep 2019 in National Assembly:
skilled youth out there. Not all of our young people who are training and getting out of training colleges can be absorbed in the already existing systems. I want to look at young women who are also seriously engaged in work they have come up with, like business and other levels of earning a living. We have to go out of our way to teach our population that people should come up with their own ideas and learn to work in order to earn, engage and also save. Many systems that have been put in place are also not getting ...