29 Apr 2021 in National Assembly:
When it comes to matters that are public, do we take care of public utilities? When it comes to matters of ethos, the morality of Kenyans to take care of Kenya, to put the interest of Kenya at heart, you will find that today somebody is elected to be an MP from a poor background. Everybody knows what a Member of Parliament earns. It is just common practice and regular thinking that for the amount of money one earns, one has a possibility of committing it to a loan for his or her own development. At the same time, allow ...
29 Apr 2021 in National Assembly:
When it comes to economic models that provide equitable opportunities, when we give equitable opportunities, in the long run, it is going to create jobs in this country and it will address joblessness that has been created by this pandemic. I also want to look at the issue of application of science and technology in the production system. Science has been relegated to some kind of corner. As much as we have innovations in science, how much do we add in our national budget to do scientific investigations? So, there are many items that are in this Bill that are ...
28 Apr 2021 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Speaker, for giving me this chance to represent the great people of Rangwe Constituency in mourning with the people of the great Kiambaa Constituency. I am standing here to mourn a colleague, a man of good repute. Hon. Koinange was one such Member of Parliament who cut across the board. He did not think of where somebody came from. He did not look at issues that were problematic in Parliament like some people want to segregate others and do not want to talk to them. When I had issues with insecurity in my own constituency, I approached ...
28 Apr 2021 in National Assembly:
place more stringent measures, especially in curbing the importation of very bad strains of COVID- 19 from other places. May the soul of my elder brother and friend rest in peace. May God give his family the peace, grace, calm and quiet that they need at this time. Thank you so much, Hon. Speaker. I appreciate you.
30 Mar 2021 in National Assembly:
I thank you, Hon. Speaker. I want to make my contribution on the second Petition, especially when it comes to the issuance of firearm licenses. There is a proposal that there be a psychiatric review. This is a matter that is already in practice and the petitioner is looking for its anchorage in law. However, I would propose we not only look at psychiatric review, but it would be important that we also include review of a clinical psychologist. This is because the accusations here would be on a matter that is of felony and this is a very serious ...
25 Mar 2021 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, I beg to ask the Cabinet Secretary for East African Community and Regional Development the following Question: (i) What is the status of construction and performance of Kimira Oluch Smallholder Farm Improvement Project (KOSFIP), a National Government irrigation project funded by ADB and GoK which began in February 2007 and was expected to be completed in September 2013? (ii) Could the Cabinet Secretary state the original cost of the project at inception was, the total cost as of today and how much is owed as pending bills, detailing the list of the persons or firms owed and the ...
9 Mar 2021 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I also rise to congratulate you. Many a times fruits just fall by the tree and they only fall when they are ripe. It is only prudent that a wise man who has discharged his duties responsibly be recognised by his community to be given another level of responsibility. This is exactly what has happened to you, and I congratulate you. The great people of Rangwe Constituency also congratulate you. There was a matter that was raised here on the manner of dressing that Members need to observe. It is also getting worrisome. It is prudent ...
9 Mar 2021 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me time to indulge in this matter. I rise to support. I am so glad that this particular matter has been brought by the Committee. Even as the previous speaker was speaking, I was trying to take particular caution on the elements that deal with the collusion with traffickers. They normally say that when you want to destroy a home, you introduce the young girls and boys in that family to either alcohol or hard drugs. Drugs have really destroyed homes and brilliant brains in this country. Coming up with a law ...
9 Mar 2021 in National Assembly:
Thank you so much for protecting me, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I do not know what specific issue Hon. Oundo has with me because other Members have spoken to this matter and I had an opportunity to speak. Just allow me to speak because it is Rangwe people speaking. I do not know why you want to gag over 160,000 people. I will conclude now that the mood of the House is that the Temporary Deputy Speaker puts the Question for the Mover to reply. This Bill is important, especially when we look at the element of rehabilitating the people. ...
16 Feb 2021 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this chance to also speak on this matter. I rise to support the Bill. This is an interesting time to discuss this particular matter because as things stand now, we are trying to lay down structures for posterity. Once we enact the Referendum Bill, it means that any referendum initiative that will be undertaken now and, in the future, will be anchored in law. Essentially, there are provisions for procedural matters. On the matters of procedure, there have always been elements of litigation that come out of …