Lilian Achieng Gogo

Parties & Coalitions

  • Not a member of any parties or coalitions



All parliamentary appearances

Entries 41 to 50 of 180.

  • 16 Feb 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for protecting me. There were loud consultations behind me and they were distracting me. I was mentioning the matter of procedure, which has been well covered on the procedural issues that are to be followed before a referendum is carried out. This Bill speaks very well on this matter. As I said, many times, people run to court because of not following procedures when conducting referendum or when doing other matters that affect the people. I also rise to support this Bill because it gives clear guidelines on the funding of referendum if it ... view
  • 16 Feb 2021 in National Assembly: House. What is important is the content of the Bill. I have looked at it. It is rich and it will help this country to move forward, especially for posterity. Another matter is that a referendum, being a direct and universal vote, needs Parliament to look at matters that can bring down the efforts made by the people that we represent on the Floor of the House. If we come up with this Bill and it is supported and it goes through, this will stamp the authority, especially on what the electorate wants, through a referendum which will be anchored ... view
  • 3 Dec 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity. I rise to second this Motion that has been moved by the Hon. Chair, Departmental Committee on Defence and Foreign Relations. It is on the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance. I will second it on the basis of its compliance with our Kenyan Constitution. Also, on the obligation the Charter has on its transparency and accountability on matters governance, and its provisions for the independence of the Judiciary. We have realised lately that there has been talk on matters of the independence of the Judiciary. This Charter ... view
  • 3 Dec 2020 in National Assembly: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 10 Nov 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I rise to support this Sessional Paper that has been brought in by the Committee. I appreciate the Members who have given their contributions ahead of me. Quite a bit has been said. This is a matter that requires a lot of our thinking as a nation and as a community. It is a matter that is interesting when it is being said but, at the same time, the health effects of it, as has been talked about by Hon. (Dr.) Nyikal, the actual meaning that has been elucidated by Hon. Millie and even the people ... view
  • 10 Nov 2020 in National Assembly: I do not know whether that gives any premium to the women who come from this region. However, what I am trying to interrogate is the real need for this to be done at this particular time. We cannot also wholesomely castigate one cultural practice because from where I come, in the greater Luo-Nyanza, there used to be the removal of six teeth. This would probably be replaced with FGM in another community. The practice of removal of six teeth has since been abandoned because of the gravity of what it does to the person who experiences it. You also ... view
  • 10 Nov 2020 in National Assembly: This is a serious matter that is not going to be relegated to sexuality alone. We are also looking at the healthcare system of women, the safety of the mother and the safety of the child. I cannot imagine a situation where a girl cannot menstruate normally because her vagina has been closed altogether. So, when blood comes, there is nowhere for it to exit. With those remarks, I support. view
  • 5 Nov 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you very much, Hon. Speaker for allowing me to rise and support the work that has been done by the Committee, especially on the vetting of the Data Commissioner. Kenya is at a point where it is grappling with matters that are related to the IEBC. When it comes to electioneering, data processing and handling is very important. When we want to get genuine and true dialogue, we must get a very authentic way and authentic person to head the unit that handles our data as a nation. I thank the Committee for the vetting process and for the ... view
  • 17 Sep 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker for allowing me to indulge in this matter. I think those who have spoken ahead of me, have well-articulated matters NG-CDF. I must not take a lot of time to belabour the point that NG-CDF has literally changed lives of communities. Apart from many other things that should be done to NG-CDF it should be constitutionalised. This is because NG-CDF is the main Fund felt by that very person at the ground level. All the NG-CDF funds are well audited. I want to thank the Member who indicated that there was an amendment that made ... view
  • 17 Sep 2020 in National Assembly: time we told our own story as MPs. This is because if we do not tell it as lions, then the hunter will get credit for what has happened. But as it is NG-CDF is literally managed by communities. It has a fund accounts manager who disburses funds, and they work together with the district accountant. NG-CDF should not be tampered with in any way. At the same time, I stand here to question why there are too many auditors auditing the accounts of NG-CDF. I just learnt today that we have an auditor from the NG-CDF Board and another ... view


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