Martin Peters Owino

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 141 to 150 of 447.

  • 5 Nov 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for correcting that. We need order here. view
  • 5 Nov 2020 in National Assembly: Let this baby grow into a Bill so that we can budget. One thing is to pass a Motion and implementing it is another thing. If the originator of the Motion agrees with me, after we pass this Motion which I encourage our fellow Members to do so, we can have a money Bill that can give the State Department a lot of resources. Birthing is very stressful for mothers. When you have gone through that, you are not supposed to be subjected to another stress of getting documentation. There is a syndrome in this country where you are told ... view
  • 5 Nov 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for giving me the time to contribute. I support the Motion. view
  • 3 Nov 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. Failing to appear is one thing but also, sending to the committees answers that lack substance is another. Just like my Chair has just said, we have sent away the people of that CS three times and he does not seem to learn any lesson from that. My question is: When it comes to sub-standard answers, at what point do we tell the Members who originated those questions? view
  • 3 Nov 2020 in National Assembly: Today, about four Members have rejected the answers saying they were literature review or cut and paste. This means that the departments that were involved with those Questions were not given the directions to research on what we were looking for. So, when we receive the answers to the questions, do we alert Members to go through them or do we call them to reject them when the CS is there? At what point do we determine that the answers are substandard so that Members are not dissatisfied? view
  • 15 Oct 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. It is not only when they are transferred out, but sometimes the one who is being removed is a performer being replaced by a bad one. view
  • 15 Oct 2020 in National Assembly: Secondly, we should also look at those who the community is complaining to be taken out. They are never taken out. They are left there. So, the whole thing is about the rationale of transfers and what they are based on. That is very important. view
  • 15 Oct 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you so much, Hon. Deputy Speaker. I thank him too for doing that. When disaster strikes on any community or individual, they want to see their Government swing into action. That is not happening because there is no coordination and enough resources for it. That is why I am supporting this Bill, the National Disaster Management Authority Bill. Disaster is a cycle and it has phases. Phase one is response which other colleagues have talked about. It is key when you appear as a Government in any area that has been hit by a disaster. The second phase is ... view
  • 8 Oct 2020 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I seek guidance on the questions we ask and the anticipated actions. I raised Questions to the Cabinet Secretary (CS) for Education four months ago. A written response reply was given which was very unsatisfactory. The CS was called again before the Committee, but even the face-to-face answers were unsatisfactory. Today, we are facing the same issue of opening schools without preparations. So, I seek your indulgence and guidance on the following: What weight do the Questions we put out to the ministries have, in terms of actions that this House needs? view
  • 8 Oct 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady. I rise to support this amendment because the Public Health Bill was a bit specific, and now if we just leave it as health alone, it can be for medical and also for public health. So, it accommodates both in advance. On the human resource for oncology services, there is a lot of intelligence on this because cancer will have more expertise coming down the line. We have not yet even defined others, so, leaving it open makes a lot of sense. Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady. The electronic version of the Official ... view


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