Martin Peters Owino

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 211 to 220 of 447.

  • 1 Oct 2019 in National Assembly: everything to the national Government, then we should, in one way or another, ring-fence the money for the ECD, so that issues of infrastructure at every centre can be addressed. Lastly, a lot of private schools have sprung up to give early childhood development education, but they are loose. They are running amok. They are in tins and iron sheets. They are not licensed or inspected well. As I support the Bill, I submit that the right of a child to quality education must be given, but the most important thing that we should do to a child at that ... view
  • 26 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, I beg to ask the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development the following Question: (i) Is the Cabinet Secretary aware that the Rodi Kopany-Karungu-Sori Road that serves Rangwe, Ndhiwa, Gwasi, Uriri, Nyatike and Homa Bay Town constituencies in Homa Bay County and Migori County is still impassable, and has been in a state of disrepair for the past one year thereby impacting negatively on emergency evacuation, businesses and local commuters? The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard ... view
  • 26 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: (ii) Why was the Rodi Kopany-Sori Road transferred from Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) to Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KeRRA despite the fact that it transverses Homa Bay Town, Ndhiwa and Nyatike constituencies, and what is the current classification of the road? (iii) Could the Cabinet Secretary confirm which State Department is responsible for emergency repairs and maintenance of the said roads, provide a list of contractors and the amount of money disbursed to them for the said road from year 1990 to date, and finally confirm the timelines for repairing the road? view
  • 18 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I rise to support this Bill subject to several amendments which we will be proposing here. view
  • 18 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: Kenyans are over-taxed. That is the truth. Any Government that over-taxes her citizens kills their ability to save. When the ability to save is killed, their ability to invest is also killed with it. It is not only taxation on money, but there is also a lot of taxation on people’s time. Today, we were discussing, in the Departmental Committee on Health, the process of waiving costs on some of the essential medications. Red tape takes a lot of people’s time and days and people die as a result. We are not just talking about taxation in terms of monitoring, ... view
  • 18 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: Capital gain has been mentioned here again and again. Taxing the rich is not taxing them. How about the young people who want to get into real estate? They will be blocked because they are going to be rich. How about the incentives that have been talked about here? If we target the rich with double taxation the way it is proposed to be increased from 5 per cent to 12 per cent, then it means they will look for another good environment for doing business. We lose business when they move away. That should not be the spirit. Capital ... view
  • 18 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: I believe in progressive taxation, but it is as well as good as regressive. The only difference is the units of addition. If it is reasonable, it works. But if it does not, it kills the whole thing. Even fumigation is to be taxed. This is interesting. We are not going to be a rich nation by dipping our fingers in every income we see. That will not help anybody. What is going to help is to tax less, let people make money because they are going to pay taxes anyway in other spheres. That is how economy is developed. ... view
  • 18 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: anyway, some households have less than Kshs100 income a day. Some do not even know where that Kshs100 will come from. view
  • 18 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: As much as this Bill as crafted has very bad things and very good things, let me talk about the good ones. Recycling is good so that we can create jobs and clean the environment. That is inserted there to motivate us to talk positively about it but that is good. On deferred export tax, why do we tax people when they are exporting? The money they get from export will come back and they pay tax through gas and other commodities that they are going to use. We should not look at one side of taxation only. view
  • 18 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: Zero-rating on timber has been over-emphasized and it is right. Regulating accountants is also right. Many professionals have been subjected to boards so that competencies can be verified as well as the work ethics. That is a good thing to do. Withholding taxes is good as well. view


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