4 Dec 2019 in National Assembly:
I am so sorry. I was not looking up. This Bill also tends to ring-fence the funds to constituencies. I think this is where we also suffer a lot. If you look at how roads are being networked in this country, some parts have good road network. But, if you go to my constituency, there is only one road passing through the entire constituency which is not passable even to date. So, if this could work out through this Bill, then other constituencies will also have a better share of tarmacked roads and this will be very considerable.
4 Dec 2019 in National Assembly:
Lastly, I want to urge the Members to pass this Bill. This is so that we can raise bonds and ring-fence the money given to constituencies to pay contractors. If we do not pay them, there will be no circulation of money even in our rural constituencies. That is why I have been very skeptical even as we talk of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) being as high as 6 per cent and the household income being less than Kshs.100 per day. So, I want to encourage all Members to pass this Bill because when the Roads Board manages this ...
4 Dec 2019 in National Assembly:
With those remarks, I support and urge my colleagues to support this Bill.
28 Nov 2019 in National Assembly:
Yes, I obey. Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chair. I beg to move: THAT, Clause 6 of the Bill be amended- (a) in paragraph (c) by deleting the words “any other activities” appearing in sub paragraph (iii) and substituting therefor the words “such other activities as may, with the prior approval of the National Assembly, be prescribed”; (b) in paragraph (h) by deleting the words “in the furtherance of the provisions of” and substituting therefor the words “as may be provided for in”. The justification for this is that this amendment brings out clarity in the two paragraphs. The words ...
28 Nov 2019 in National Assembly:
Lastly, the words “in the furtherance of the provisions of” are superfluous. By substituting it with “as may be provided for in” renders the clause restricted to the mandate of the Authority. Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chair.
28 Nov 2019 in National Assembly:
No. I just have an opinion. I have some expertise on environmental health. This is reinforcing the regulation. It is dealing with radioactivity, but there is no conflict whatsoever. In fact, it is a complementing regulation rather than contradicting.
16 Oct 2019 in National Assembly:
(Ndhiwa, ODM
15 Oct 2019 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, I stand to support and I appreciate very much the time you have given me to speak on this Petition. It is correct to say that when people are unsure whether the land on which they live on is theirs, there tends to be insecurity. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
15 Oct 2019 in National Assembly:
The land is also not developed because one does not know for how long one will live there. It is, therefore, appropriate that that particular section of the forest is de-gazetted for them to settle and develop the land. Also, I support the idea that those who live at the top of the mountain should come down. There is a general trend where they try to move to the top of hills and mountains and settle there, without caring about the demarcations separating Government forest land. The Government agencies responsible for forest management have been lax. It is time we ...
8 Oct 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Speaker. Mine is to appeal to you to make that direction so that we can all follow. This morning was not good for us as Members of that Committee because the meeting was properly convened by the Chair and some questions had been answered. But one Member came and said: “No, you cannot answer my question because you are just a CAS.” That was so embarrassing to all of us. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.