Martin Peters Owino

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 171 to 180 of 447.

  • 6 Jun 2020 in National Assembly: I rise to second the amendment. We do not only look at the clinical aspects of disease management. We also look at the primary aspect. Access of medical facility is important in management and prevention of any infectious disease. Centralising treatment will not be ideal in this situation.I also applaud the Mover of the original Motion that the UHC comes in if the national body chooses to support the county referral hospitals and sub-county hospitals. I second. view
  • 2 Jun 2020 in National Assembly: As much as I respect people living with disability and also Hon. Ghati, I do not want to support this. So, I oppose it because even the cause for which this committee is being formed is wrong. It would be wrong for me to support it when I really disagree with the reason the committee is being formed. I looked at the obligations they are going to do and they are in conformity with the work of departmental committees. I oppose this. I respect persons living with disability. view
  • 2 Jun 2020 in National Assembly: I will speak substantively on the Motion. However, I oppose the inclusion of people living with disability because I do not agree with the core mandate which is put here. view
  • 6 May 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I also want to thank the Chair for relaying that feedback to us. I do not accept the feedback and I am disappointed. view
  • 6 May 2020 in National Assembly: My questions were very simple. The Ministry declared that they wanted to open schools. What I wanted is the return to school plan. For example, in my constituency, three children still sit on one desk. How will they observe social distancing? That is a budgetary issue. What the Ministry is telling us here is that they continue to engage and yet they pronounced themselves very clearly. These are very difficult times for our children. I asked: What plans in terms of counselling and emotional support will the children get when they return to school? The answer we get is that ... view
  • 6 May 2020 in National Assembly: I rise to second the amendment. We do not only look at the clinical aspects of disease management. We also look at the primary aspect. Access of medical facility is important in management and prevention of any infectious disease. Centralising treatment will not be ideal in this situation.I also applaud the Mover of the original Motion that the UHC comes in if the national body chooses to support the county referral hospitals and sub-county hospitals. I second. view
  • 29 Apr 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. Hon. Speaker, pursuant to Standing Order 44(2)(c), I wish to request a Statement from the Chairperson of the Departmental Committee on Education and Research, regarding preparations and precautionary measures during the end of year examinations for Class 8 and Form Four in the country during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hon. Speaker, considering that the Government will open schools to allow students to take their end of year examinations for Class Eight and Form Four learners, while adhering to the measures put in place to contain and bring to end the spread of the Coronavirus, it has been ... view
  • 29 Apr 2020 in National Assembly: (i) What preparations and precautionary measures has the Ministry undertaken to ensure that Government policies and directives on hygiene and social distancing by learners are observed and adhered to, to the later when they re-open? (ii) What steps has the Ministry taken to ensure that essential commodities are available and will be distributed to all schools? (iii) What measures have the Ministry put in place to ensure that fumigation and sanitation of schools that were identified and used as quarantine centres are done? (iv) Could the Government consider waiving payment of tuition and exam fees to the needy students who ... view
  • 29 Apr 2020 in National Assembly: emotional support systems considering the fact that COVID-19 is shrouded by view
  • 29 Apr 2020 in National Assembly: fear and stigma? view


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