Martin Peters Owino

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 161 to 170 of 447.

  • 30 Jul 2020 in National Assembly: That is No. 3 view
  • 30 Jul 2020 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, this is what I was sent to by the Table Room. view
  • 30 Jul 2020 in National Assembly: Exactly, but it was updated according to the paper I have. view
  • 30 Jul 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you Hon. Speaker for that, it is regarding policy actually. (iv) Could the Cabinet Secretary put measures in place that encourage sugar millers such as Sukari Industry Limited to maintain access roads in their areas of operation as a corporate social responsibility. I thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. view
  • 30 Jun 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. I rise to support the Supplementary Appropriation Bill III. My leader has explained the reason why we are doing this. This House is becoming a House of lamentation and sanitisation. We keep bending too much to accommodate. Having said that, I hope my Chair in the Departmental Committee on Health is aware that human resource for health is one of the issues that we are dealing with. There are three legs here, namely, human resource, medical supplies and equipment, and infrastructure. The reason that Kshs2 billion for human resource was there is because we have ... view
  • 30 Jun 2020 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, I mean bending backwards to accommodate what has been expended, so that we can have the right books when we close the financial year. That should not be the normal operation of this House. Indeed, we should ensure that ministries have contingencies and are disaster prepared, so that we do not get into these supplementary estimates. In closing, we, in the Departmental Committee on Health, are very concerned about human resource. Even if we approve this Kshs1.5 billion for testing, there is a great need for human resource. Who is going to do the testing? Even if ... view
  • 30 Jun 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I rise to support the team. This was an esteemed team. They did a good job. Can you imagine if you had to give reasons for dismissing somebody? It could take years. I agree that CECs are political appointments. Willing hire, willing fire! That was good. Most importantly, this mediated version came from the three reasons which we raised in this House. The Mediation Committee has corrected it. We should move fast and accept the Bill. Lastly, Hon. Kaluma has cried. He should be appointed a chairman somewhere. I support the Bill. view
  • 30 Jun 2020 in National Assembly: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 9 Jun 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I want to thank the Budget and Appropriations Committee for a job well done. Hon. Ichung’wah, kudos. I want to speak on an item that concerns the Departmental Committee on Health. view
  • 9 Jun 2020 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, protect me from Hon. Kaluma. I want to say kudos to the Chairperson, Departmental Committee on Health, and the team because we have fought for this for a long time. On 27th April 2001, all Heads of State went to Abuja and resolved that health financing is critical to preparation of our health systems for any eventuality of disease outbreak. To date, 19 years later, we are not even halfway of what was declared - At least15 per cent of our GDP going for healthcare financing. I would have liked to see at least Kshs124 billion and not ... view


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