3 Oct 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I thank the Committee for taking its time out to go for fact finding. I expected a lot from this Report and I have to register my frustrations of what has come out. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
3 Oct 2019 in National Assembly:
However, let me start by saying that Kenyans are going out mostly as unskilled workers. The reason they are going out is because we do not create jobs to absorb them. In fact, if the whole ring of the Government can embrace manufacturing, one of the Big Four Agenda, Kenyans would be very comfortable at home. Working in my rural area in Ndhiwa, even if you earn Kshs13,000, you do not pay house rent, you live in your home and you can even ride to work. You can still make better living than somebody going out even with the minimum ...
3 Oct 2019 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, you cannot talk of a minimum wage if you do not talk of the cost of living in those areas. I wish they could have tallied that and came up with a report that gives us a true picture of what that means. I expected the team to research and come up with a report on how Kenyans are being exploited there.
3 Oct 2019 in National Assembly:
Hon. Omboko Milemba talked of 5,000 Riyal, which translates to about Kshs130,000. They did not tell us how many hours unskilled labourers work per day. The reality is that in a day, they do 15 hours and have one day off in a week. That translates to 60 hours a week. The 60 hours times four is 240 hours per month. So, if they are paid Kshs130,000, they are not better off than somebody who is getting Kshs15,000 here. That is exploitation and it is different from the locals. Out of the 11 million they are talking about, there are ...
3 Oct 2019 in National Assembly:
There is a lot of exploitation in those hours as well. In the United States of America (USA), you can do up to 80 hours and it is okay. But past the normal 40 hours per week, you are paid one and a half of your wages and this is a flat rate for them. So, theirs is robbery without violence. I also wanted to hear about the abuses. For example, house helps are sometimes forced to esteem the Islamic traditions. That did not come out in this Report and it is a reality for those working in houses. Another ...
3 Oct 2019 in National Assembly:
When I checked all the policies, I saw there was an attempt, but a very meagre one to make a Kenya Diaspora Policy 2014. This was made to enhance the production of Kenyans in the diaspora. I think this was a bit selfish because they were targeting how they can produce more to bring home. I think this policy should be enhanced in line with what the team is recommending. But it should do more than that. We should have a strong bilateral agreement that safeguards the dignity of Kenyans and wages.
3 Oct 2019 in National Assembly:
With this, I am struggling on whether to support the Report. Once it is adopted, it will be translated as something positive to help Kenyans. I struggle to get what will come out of this policy or legislative proposal and I hardly get it. With due respect to the Committee, I reject it and do not support. Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker.
2 Oct 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to add my voice to this. I support it. But I also want to say that theory does very little in the prevention of corruption in this country. I wish we could go back to the basics when we were growing up. I had the opportunity to see one of the villagers who stole a chicken and the hands were lit with fire. As kids, we could not even envisage or think of stealing. We should go back to our culture, values, commitments and things that used to bind ...
2 Oct 2019 in National Assembly:
what the academy is all about. I found out that they take students from post-Form IV. It is already a firmed-up opinion. I wish we could do what we saw happening in China as stated by Dr. Adhiambo. Children are mentored from a young age so that they can grow up with values. If we were to bring down that academy to a level where it would be effective, it should be cascaded to the constituency levels so that we get kids into those academies, influence them, mentor them and instill some good values. This is how we will eradicate ...
1 Oct 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I appreciate the time you have given me to contribute to this Bill. This is the time when a child can learn when an “A” is straight or inverted. That can go a long way as an indicator of dropping from school or not. As it is now, ECD classrooms are in a deplorable condition. I want to link this to Part II of this Bill on the right to early childhood education. Under that Part, sub-clause 5(1) says: “Every child has the right to free and compulsory early childhood education in a public ...