Martin Peters Owino

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 231 to 240 of 447.

  • 31 Jul 2019 in National Assembly: After the selection, I do not know how we are going to appoint people who can maintain integrity under pressure. That is what has been lacking in all the elections. People who get compromised and swayed affect the outcome of elections. view
  • 31 Jul 2019 in National Assembly: I respect what the Committee has put forward for us, but I appeal that we relook at the Bill because it is very critical for the country. I know we cannot overhaul what you have done for us, but if it is withdrawn, we can rethink it and do it better. view
  • 31 Jul 2019 in National Assembly: With those remarks, I oppose. view
  • 30 Jul 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. From the outset, allow me to pass my condolences to the families of the two heroes who have departed. It is very sad. In a spell of nine months, we have lost leaders with a wealth of experience to cancer. I hope this House will take up the Motion which was moved by the Laikipia County Women Representative on declaring cancer a national disaster. That Motion should be scaled up to become a Bill to deal with this disease. It was wisdom to put in the Constitution that the Auditor-General should also be audited. ... view
  • 30 Jul 2019 in National Assembly: budget and national GDP to corruption which we could use to set up various institutions to promote, screen, prevent and manage cancer. All said and done, we would like to see this Report and recommend the scale-up of the performance of this office as far as getting a report earlier is concerned. I urge all Members to do this as quickly as possible, acknowledging that there was a mishap in the last funding and there was no auditor appointed to do this. I support the Motion. view
  • 27 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. First of all, I thank the Committee, which I am a Member. It took us a lot of time to go to these The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 27 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: facilities to assess their status. Some of them are in a horrible and pathetic condition. That is why a Member was thanking them. I also add my voice to thank the practitioners in these facilities. Why are we talking about referral hospitals and why they are congested? The health structure in this country is in six levels: Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The Report that we have put before the House is about national hospitals. If we could invest more money in the lower levels, Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4, and leave the county referral hospitals ... view
  • 27 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: and drug abuse and the toxic beverages that they sell in shops. Prevention, hard rules and decentralising these services will help us more than putting them together. My view about the Report, so that I can give other people a chance to contribute, is that the social structure is missing in our healthcare system. For example, if you discharge a patient from KNH, do you know how the patient is fairing on? That linkage between the hospital and facilities of care and the households is missing. That also refers to the treatment management. Did you take your medication on time? ... view
  • 25 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to add my voice to this. I thank the Committee. This is a good Bill. I have some reservations. Nuclear power energy is very controversial globally because of some effects that have been seen in the past. view
  • 25 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: As we pass this Bill, it is good to remember that the Chernobyl incident happened in Ukraine where 30,000 people died instantly and 2.5 million are still languishing in problems. Nuclear energy is cheap but sometimes cheap can be very expensive in line with what I have just said. I would buy it because of power instability that I have in my constituency. Most of the important institutions are not connected. That kind of emotion of needing more energy can make us support this Bill, but I would like some precaution to be taken. view


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