Martin Peters Owino

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 251 to 260 of 447.

  • 4 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I am happy to contribute to this Bill now. It is long overdue. It is very good. First of all, let me send greetings to my Muslim brothers and sisters in Ndhiwa. We have very many of them. They have been praying for us during the whole month. It is not easy. You fellows in Ndhiwa, please, take those greetings. We are not hiring a county attorney for a governor. The message is very clear. We are not talking about terms but we are talking about putting in place a legal system that will ... view
  • 4 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 25 Apr 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. Before I make my comments, I want to appreciate the environment that we accorded the President to talk to us. It showed dignity to Kenyans and the Office of the President. That should be credited to the handshake. So, do not take the handshake shallowly. One thing that I want to commend the President for is putting health first and as one of the Big Four Agenda. He mentioned that he is committed to this and he wants to reduce child mortality, infant mortality, neo-natal mortality and all maternal mortalities. We support him, especially our Committee. ... view
  • 25 Apr 2019 in National Assembly: coming back to us as a committee because it has not been assented to, to become an Act of Parliament. So we are asking the President to sign this Bill so that it can be operationalised. There is also an issue which a Member talked about, that measuring economic growth in terms of percentage is global. We can brag that our economy that grows at 6.1 per cent is doing well, but that is not a true reflection in the households of many Kenyans. We could hold that as a standard globally, but it is prudent to look at why ... view
  • 25 Apr 2019 in National Assembly: With that, I appreciate the President and ask those who are implementing these policies to move with speed and implement what was on that paper. Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. view
  • 23 Apr 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I have been listening to the Chair of PAC. You cannot have it both ways. Even if you walk into the United States of America or the United Kingdom, you cannot just start doing business. Why should we allow people to come into our country and we do not even know their directors? He is even lamenting they could not even get the directors to come. We do not even know their physical address; you do not know who you are dealing with. So, this shoe is in which foot? You are already unable ... view
  • 23 Apr 2019 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I suggest we support this amendment so that we get things right even if we are going to uproot so many things. So be it. Why should we allow things The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 23 Apr 2019 in National Assembly: to go wrong as if they are going to correct themselves in future because the magnitude is so huge that if we tamper with it we are going to lose things? I think that is not the right way to do it. I pity PAC but that is the truth. We have to clean the House in order to breathe fresh air. It does not matter how many things will go wrong but let them go wrong if we can get it rightly done. view
  • 23 Apr 2019 in National Assembly: Lastly, if we go on doing business in this way… We have just lost billions of shillings in the dams saga because a company is bankrupt and nobody knew it. No due diligence was done before we engaged them in business. We cannot afford to lose more dollars from the Kenyan people in that way. I urge all Members to support this amendment so that we can clean up our House. view
  • 23 Apr 2019 in National Assembly: I thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker view


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