28 Jul 2020 in National Assembly:
It is me. Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I join my colleagues in supporting Hon. Opiyo Wandayi on his submissions on the need for PAC to meet outside your guidelines. All committees of Parliament are important and examine documents. I have been in the Departmental Committee on Finance and National Planning. This is one of the committees that is very active and heavy in terms of documentation and reports. Therefore, my view is that you consider opening up Parliament to transact business as usual.
28 Jul 2020 in National Assembly:
It is me. Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I join my colleagues in supporting Hon. Opiyo Wandayi on his submissions on the need for PAC to meet outside your guidelines. All committees of Parliament are important and examine documents. I have been in the Departmental Committee on Finance and National Planning. This is one of the committees that is very active and heavy in terms of documentation and reports. Therefore, my view is that you consider opening up Parliament to transact business as usual.
28 Jul 2020 in National Assembly:
The other sectors of the economy are working. The transport sector is working. Everybody is working. Why do Members of Parliament fear transacting business? It is like we are the only people who fear the COVID-19 pandemic and cannot operate. If we have so many Members who are 58 years old and above and are chairing committees, maybe they need to hand over those committees to young people who will not fear contracting the Coronavirus.
28 Jul 2020 in National Assembly:
The other sectors of the economy are working. The transport sector is working. Everybody is working. Why do Members of Parliament fear transacting business? It is like we are the only people who fear the COVID-19 pandemic and cannot operate. If we have so many Members who are 58 years old and above and are chairing committees, maybe they need to hand over those committees to young people who will not fear contracting the Coronavirus.
28 Jul 2020 in National Assembly:
My point is that the effect of your guidelines is that there is a complete gridlock on parliamentary operations which will affect the performance of this House and the overall performance of the economy. I urge you to review your guidelines in totality and allow committees to continue meeting as that has been.
28 Jul 2020 in National Assembly:
My point is that the effect of your guidelines is that there is a complete gridlock on parliamentary operations which will affect the performance of this House and the overall performance of the economy. I urge you to review your guidelines in totality and allow committees to continue meeting as that has been.
23 Jun 2020 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to contribute. I want to start by congratulating Hon. Kimunya on his appointment as the Leader of the Majority Party. He is very experienced. I am sure that he will use his experience to further the interest of Kenyans.
23 Jun 2020 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. I would also like to congratulate Hon. Duale for the good job that he has done for this Parliament. He has been consistent on the independence of the National Assembly. He has done a very good job. The only thing that all of us agree with is that Hon. Duale was removed because of politics; but not because of under-performance. He did not read the politics of the future very fast. When we said that the country needs to come together, he stayed behind.
23 Jun 2020 in National Assembly:
We need to thank Hon. Duale for putting up the fight, especially on the welfare of the Members of Parliament. If there is anyone who believes in the Members of Parliament in this House, it is Hon. Duale. There is a big difference between Hon. Duale on the microphone and as a person. I related very well with him on the matters of his House. He does not care which political party you belong to. Such a leader is very rare to come by. When Hon. Kimunya was appointed yesterday, I was online and I saw the comments that came ...
23 Jun 2020 in National Assembly:
I urge him to go online and read what the people are saying about him. That will help him to execute the functions of this office competently.