6 Nov 2014 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the Committee recommended an ex-
6 Nov 2014 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the Committee recommended an ex-
6 Nov 2014 in Senate:
payment of Kshs10,000 as well as Kshs25,000 for loss of property and homes to all IDPs. (i) Whether it can be confirmed that out of 6,000 households affected by violence in Kisii and Nyamira counties, only a few received ex-gratia payment and none received compensation for the loss of property and homes. (ii) Whether the action that was taken to ensure registration of IDPs, including those in Nyamira and Kisii counties ensured that they were protected and assisted under the fund set up by Section 15 of the Prevention, Protection and Assistance to IDPs and Affected Communities Act, 2012. Mr. ...
6 Nov 2014 in Senate:
payment of Kshs10,000 as well as Kshs25,000 for loss of property and homes to all IDPs. (i) Whether it can be confirmed that out of 6,000 households affected by violence in Kisii and Nyamira counties, only a few received ex-gratia payment and none received compensation for the loss of property and homes. (ii) Whether the action that was taken to ensure registration of IDPs, including those in Nyamira and Kisii counties ensured that they were protected and assisted under the fund set up by Section 15 of the Prevention, Protection and Assistance to IDPs and Affected Communities Act, 2012. Mr. ...
6 Nov 2014 in Senate:
Yes, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, it is Kshs181,200,000, which was sent to the Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) to pay 18,120 IDPs an amount of Kshs10,000 each as start-up capital. We have the tables, which we have explained below and I believe the distinguished Senator for Nyamira should go through it and find it adequate explanation. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, despite these efforts, the DCC is yet to account for the Kshs22,260,000 disbursed to them for payment of start-up capital of Kshs10,000 to 2,226 Kisii IDPs. It, therefore, means that only 15,160 IDPs are confirmed to have been paid whereas the ...
6 Nov 2014 in Senate:
Yes, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, it is Kshs181,200,000, which was sent to the Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) to pay 18,120 IDPs an amount of Kshs10,000 each as start-up capital. We have the tables, which we have explained below and I believe the distinguished Senator for Nyamira should go through it and find it adequate explanation. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, despite these efforts, the DCC is yet to account for the Kshs22,260,000 disbursed to them for payment of start-up capital of Kshs10,000 to 2,226 Kisii IDPs. It, therefore, means that only 15,160 IDPs are confirmed to have been paid whereas the ...