Yasin Fahim Twaha


14th May 1968


P. O. Box 40 Mombasa


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya


P. O. Box 41842 00100 Nairobi






020 2848420



All parliamentary appearances

Entries 101 to 110 of 205.

  • 1 Mar 2011 in National Assembly: Bw. Naibu Spika, ningependa kumuuliza Waziri Msaidizi kama ana mpango wa kurudia mradi kama huu na kuupanua zaidi ili vijana wengi wafaidike. view
  • 8 Feb 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, could the Minister make it clear what criteria they use to decide which road is to be upgraded to bitumen standards and which one is to be left as murram, because 47 years after Independence, the Lamu Road is still gravel? view
  • 8 Feb 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, the whole purpose of “shuttle diplomacy” was to persuade the African Union to eventually rise to the UN Security Council to request for a deferment, but we know for a fact that some, if not all the members of the UN Security Council, are not signatories to the ICC. So, what moral authority do they have to decide on such matters? view
  • 8 Feb 2011 in National Assembly: On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I feel that the Vice-President and Minister for Home Affairs misunderstood me. I was saying that some of the permanent members of the security council are not members of the ICC; so, what moral authority do they have to decide on the matter? view
  • 2 Feb 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I know of certain cases where KACC forwarded some cases to the Attorney-General, but they only submitted the incriminating evidence and willfully withheld the exonerating evidence. Given the performance contract and people wanting to look busy, could the Attorney-General assure this House that he will ask the KACC to be forwarding exonerating as well as incriminating evidence? view
  • 18 Jan 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, after the last elections, it was suggested that the party which the Minister belongs to seek legal redress in the courts. However, he was quoted as saying that they would not go to those courts. Does he still hold the same contemptuous view about our courts? view
  • 18 Jan 2011 in National Assembly: On a point of Order! view
  • 18 Jan 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I left Parliament that day a bit disturbed. I am wondering if the Minister of State for Provincial Administration and Internal Security did not jump the gun by releasing the names before taking these people to court, the way Ocampo did. Ocampo did not name names until he had presented his case to the court in The Hague. The result of all this is that this House has been brought into disrepute. Six hon. Members had their names released. This was equivalent to discussing the conduct of a Member without moving a substantive Motion. We were ambushed ... view
  • 18 Jan 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I would like you to reflect upon whether the House was brought into disrepute or not. I do not know if those people were innocent or not, but they should have been given time to explain their case. view
  • 18 Jan 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, on the day in Question, the accused persons themselves were there to speak for themselves. However, at the heat of the moment, they could not speak for themselves. view


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