Samuel Onunga Atandi

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 81 to 90 of 450.

  • 11 Feb 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to make a contribution on this very important Bill by Hon. Tandaza. I know very little about some of those crops in the Coast region, other than cashewnut and coconut. Now, with the eloquent submission by my brother, Hon. Owen Baya, I have something to say. It is important for the Government to identify which cash crops prosper in each and every region in this country. This is because each and every part of this country has some potential especially in the area of cash crops. So, my colleague ... view
  • 11 Feb 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to make a contribution on this very important Bill by Hon. Tandaza. I know very little about some of those crops in the Coast region, other than cashewnut and coconut. Now, with the eloquent submission by my brother, Hon. Owen Baya, I have something to say. It is important for the Government to identify which cash crops prosper in each and every region in this country. This is because each and every part of this country has some potential especially in the area of cash crops. So, my colleague ... view
  • 10 Feb 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. I have taken offence with the Report, which has been presented by the Chair of the Committee on Constituencies Development. This is because what the Chair has done is to come and convince us that things are working and yet, we know very well that we only have four months to the end of the financial year and we have not even received 10 per cent of the allocations. Therefore, what we are saying is that, as a House, we should just wait for the arrears to be paid. Remember, we are supposed to implement ... view
  • 10 Feb 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. I have taken offence with the Report, which has been presented by the Chair of the Committee on Constituencies Development. This is because what the Chair has done is to come and convince us that things are working and yet, we know very well that we only have four months to the end of the financial year and we have not even received 10 per cent of the allocations. Therefore, what we are saying is that, as a House, we should just wait for the arrears to be paid. Remember, we are supposed to implement ... view
  • 10 Feb 2021 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, we are not going to take any further excuse. The leadership of this House must tell us where our money is. The term of this Parliament is coming to an end and this is the only financial year we are left with to implement projects and go for elections. Therefore, we must compel the leadership of this House to ask the National Treasury to give us our resources for this financial year without any excuse. The excuse about the arrears is the problem of those constituencies that did not finish their projects. We want this House to ... view
  • 10 Feb 2021 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, we are not going to take any further excuse. The leadership of this House must tell us where our money is. The term of this Parliament is coming to an end and this is the only financial year we are left with to implement projects and go for elections. Therefore, we must compel the leadership of this House to ask the National Treasury to give us our resources for this financial year without any excuse. The excuse about the arrears is the problem of those constituencies that did not finish their projects. We want this House to ... view
  • 9 Feb 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. On behalf of my family and the people of Alego-Usonga, I wish to pass my condolences to the family of the late Simeon Nyachae. I met the late Simeon Nyachae through his family members. I know a number of his siblings and children. During my previous career life, I had an opportunity to interact with the business interests of the late Simeon Nyachae. He was one politician who did clean business. He was in the tea industry and also did milling. At one point I presided over his banking business. The electronic version of the Official ... view
  • 9 Feb 2021 in National Assembly: Unlike most of us politicians who form companies or briefcase companies purely to fleece government, this man was doing clean business. Moreover, his businesses have withstood the test of time. Secondly, Simeon Nyachae was a polygamous man. He had four wives and more than 35 children. I know that is a big challenge to most of us. A number of us have tried to have even two wives, but have been unable... view
  • 9 Feb 2021 in National Assembly: You know, I have read reports that wives are beating a number of politicians for trying to introduce second wives. Therefore, I want to tell the men here, who are trying to have two wives, please, go and learn from the family of Nyachae. We have seen that family grow. It is a very large family, but you never hear any conflict. Colleagues, I know most of you are trying to get second wives. Please, go and learn from there. I thank you, Hon. Speaker. view
  • 9 Feb 2021 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I have not been missing. I have been in the constituency serving the great people of Alego-Usonga. Thank you. view


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