6 Nov 2014 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to move that The National Honours (Amendment) Bill, (Senate Bill No.16 of 2014) be now Read a Third Time.
5 Nov 2014 in Senate:
Sen. Chris Obure is present, because this question was asked by two---
5 Nov 2014 in Senate:
Sen. Chris Obure is present, because this question was asked by two---
5 Nov 2014 in Senate:
The question touches on Kisii and the distinguished Sen. Ong’era is also present. Two Senators from the region are present. I wonder whether---
5 Nov 2014 in Senate:
The question touches on Kisii and the distinguished Sen. Ong’era is also present. Two Senators from the region are present. I wonder whether---
5 Nov 2014 in Senate:
Yes, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I also have a statement for Sen. Nabwala, but it is quite short.
5 Nov 2014 in Senate:
Yes, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I also have a statement for Sen. Nabwala, but it is quite short.
5 Nov 2014 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, we have already agreed with Sen. Nabwala---
5 Nov 2014 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, we have already agreed with Sen. Nabwala---
5 Nov 2014 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. Sen. Nabwala had asked a further question on the number of beneficiaries of the Cash Transfer Programme (CTP) for the elderly persons per county. We have received the data which explains each and every county for the year 2013 and the new beneficiaries for the year 2014. I have agreed with her that I will provide her with the data and that will put an end to this. Should she not be satisfied, then she will be in a position to ask a further supplementary question.